• expired

[Auckland] 50% off First Order: Full Cream Milk 1.9L (Inc. Reusable Glass Bottle, Limit of 2) $4.99 (C&C Only) @ Happy Cow Milk


The usual price for this as a once off order would be $10, $7.5 for the milk and $2.5 "bond" for the jar (which you only need to buy once, and you get that "bond" back on your next order if you return the bottle). There's also 20% off for subscriptions, which would bring your next bottle down to $6 if you return the bottle.

As a comparison, 2L Anchor Silver top hovers around the $6 mark as well.

It's bougie milk but if you miss old style full cream milk, or are concerned with your cow welfare or sustainability, it might be worth a try.

These guys are marketing themselves as next best to raw milk (I've paraphrased there), but it is pasteurised (although only gently pasteurised according to them).

What I like the sound of about them is that they look after their cows - leaving the calves with their mums etc. Reusable glass jar included in this deal, so you wouldn't have to pay the $2.5 for it again if you order again (not sure if there's a credit for returning your jar if you don't want to order again?)

I've ordered one for tomorrow, will update here with a review.
*edit - I just picked my milk up, and it's premium.
Got a message around 8am saying it was ready to be collected.
The milk tastes great - creamy and yum, and the glass bottle is very cute. Go give it a go.

Collection points(happycowmilk.co)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Nice 👍 idea hope it can stay price competitive. This is even cheaper than the farmers market

  • +2
  • Just bought 2!

  • +1

    This much for milk and it's not even organic. Lewis road for me

    • Yes needs to be a2 and organic

      • +1

        "It’s been 20 years since the claim was made that A2 protein cows may be better for dairy-intolerant people. To date, after 20 years of extensive research undertaken around the globe, there is no conclusive evidence to support the claim that A2 milk is better for your stomach.

        In fact, A2 milk companies’ own website states “Published research suggests that A2 Milk™ may help avoid stomach discomfort in some people.” That seems like a very vague statement to us."


        • +1

          dairy and beef is and was not in western diet and has been around 200 ish or less years since introduction , India where i am from is a ancient civilization which has been consuming dairy since for ever , I am. saying this because the gene selection for people who can assimilate milk is not yet done outside India and some very specific gene pool one is in Middle East and some other , are the only people who can digest milk completely .
          Rest all others are lactose intolerant in some form. or the Other , My kids as they gets mitochondria from their mother who is Chinese can not digest lactose but if your a guy and if you get Indian woman and had offspring they can and will be most likely to digest milk .
          A2 milk protein cattle is mostly cow goats etc which are traditional breeds of cattle , if you drink cow milk in India its very light and super easy to digest and may not affect you to a extent even though your lactos intolerant , and this does happen to many migrants who do come from the subcontinent they can't handle the fat rich or protein profile of a local regular milk .

          so for most people milk is not suitable for them A2 may be better but still that does not mean your lactos tolerant.

          even the buffalo cattle is from India which is used for making traditional european cheese , so is Chicken and so are many herbs and spices , our cultur has very deep information about diets and food which is not yet possible to prove scientifically yet some things are not every thing, this also include nature of the foods etc , which is completely lacking in western world

    • $5.99 for almost 2L seems really good to me

  • +1

    Very keen but waiting for your review before I buy, if it's good I'll be subscribing. I've been waiting 30 years for reusable bottled milk like we used to have, even recycling bottles is an unnecessary waste.

    • +1

      Positive review - it's really tasty. Worth giving it a go.

    • +1

      This Happy Cow Milk is incredible, I was blown away with how tasty it is, creamy, great for coffees. Wife and kids loved it too!! Great for the kids, given the nutritional value compared to supermarket milk.

      • I just got my first bottle, it's almost as good as raw milk. It makes all other supermarket milk taste like water.

  • Same could be interested after a review. Also interested to know how long it will last in the fridge / what the subscription frequencies are?

    • +2

      I had a quick look, you'd have to go for a weekly collection to get the subscription, couldn't go any less frequently than that.

    • Review - positive - tastes great. I will be considering a subscription. The glass bottle is quite fun.

    • it seems milk last 8 to 10 days.
      I emailed them and they say weekly subscription, but is easy to put the subscription on hold (if you go on holidays or have too much milk) or cancel any time.
      You can do this from your account your self.

  • +2

    Have had this probably around 10 times. The milk is very fresh (milked that morning!) and delivered to the collection points ready for pick up around 11am. It's very creamy and non-homogenised like the olden days (so I've heard) so you need to shake the bottle each time you use it.
    They say on their website the farmers aren't bothered with organic certification but follow organic principles, so "semi-organic" I guess.

    Ends up being cheaper than Lewis Rd Creamery if you stick to their subscription, just remember to return the bottle to get the $2.50 refund each time.
    Also, the owner explains that your normal blue top milk has been "standardised" and processed which is he believe makes it worse for digestion. So this may be gentler on the stomach since it's only "gently" pasteurised.

  • Half a US gallon or imperial gallon ?

    • US Gallon. It's 1.9L

  • Considering too. However, confused about the refillery. Is this the location where you "swap" the bottle for your subscription? The place closest to me is refillery only so not going to bother if this is not the case.

    • Nah my understanding is you just take your bottle with you when you pick up your next one.

  • +2

    So I did it, my review:

    Order and Pickup Was seamless, like click and collect. Got a email about midday saying it was ready. Drove over and yep, the shop owner asked for my name and pointed to the fridge. Milk for 9 Sept has expiry of 18 Sept. The glass bottle is one heavy thing, took me by surprise.

    Milk On microwaving the milk, I saw yellow globs on the top, turns out these are Beta Casetins, indicative of fresh milk from grass fed cows. The milk is definitely smoother, richer and creamier than the anchor blue top milk I usually drink.

    Overall I'd buy it again, though $7 for 2L vs $5 for 2L Anchor makes it rough on the wallet.

    • Just clarifying re expiry date you mentioned, that's actually a best before date, not expiry.

      So best before is 18th Sept.

  • +1

    Does anyone know how the Refilleries at Northcote and Titirangi work? Milk collection doesn't seem to be available there.

    • +1

      Have emailed them about this Refilleries and gotten reply below:

      Thanks for getting in touch 😊

      The milk refillery option (picture below) is where you can fill you’re a bottle of milk from the refillery.

      We have glass bottles for sale there for $2.50 (1L and 2L) or you can bring your own bottle and pay for the milk only.

      This are milk refilleries only so there is no option to collect the milk there sorry.

      We’ll be expanding to more locations soon!!

      • Cool, thanks. Seems like it's walk in only at the refilleries, so no opportunity to subscribe and get the 20% discount. Also no way of knowing whether they will have any milk available when you arrive since it's basically first come, first serve.

        • +1

          Yeah. Have further email reply:

          In this case then, for the weekly subscription, the refillery won't be an option for picking up location however we can go to the location and fill it up using our own bottle (or buy there) for one-off purchase?

          Yes, that’s correct. You can fill a bottle with milk at any time at a milk refillery.

  • There seems to be also a collection point in Titirangi - Scenic Dairy on Titirangi Rd.

  • north shore need more distribution/collection, love the idea, not sure what they do with bobby calves though

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