The usual price for this as a once off order would be $10, $7.5 for the milk and $2.5 "bond" for the jar (which you only need to buy once, and you get that "bond" back on your next order if you return the bottle). There's also 20% off for subscriptions, which would bring your next bottle down to $6 if you return the bottle.
As a comparison, 2L Anchor Silver top hovers around the $6 mark as well.
It's bougie milk but if you miss old style full cream milk, or are concerned with your cow welfare or sustainability, it might be worth a try.
These guys are marketing themselves as next best to raw milk (I've paraphrased there), but it is pasteurised (although only gently pasteurised according to them).
What I like the sound of about them is that they look after their cows - leaving the calves with their mums etc. Reusable glass jar included in this deal, so you wouldn't have to pay the $2.5 for it again if you order again (not sure if there's a credit for returning your jar if you don't want to order again?)
I've ordered one for tomorrow, will update here with a review.
*edit - I just picked my milk up, and it's premium.
Got a message around 8am saying it was ready to be collected.
The milk tastes great - creamy and yum, and the glass bottle is very cute. Go give it a go.
Collection points(
Nice 👍 idea hope it can stay price competitive. This is even cheaper than the farmers market