Seeking iPhone 15 Clearance Deals after Release of iPhone 16

As per thread title I am Seeking iPhone 15 pro Clearance deals after the release of the iPhone 16

Twice in the past I have purchased heavily discounted clearance stock of of the discontinued pro models of the previous generation iPhone
E.g an
iPhone 11 Pro 512GB for $1505 on 19 Nov 2020 from Noel Leeming via The Market (original release price ($2649)
and an
iPhone 12 Pro 512GB for $1667 from Heathcotes 26th September 2021 (original release price $2497)
Both were purchased roughly 12 Months after their respective release dates

Im looking to do similar to purchase an iPhone 15 Pro
Current best pricing I am seeing on a 15 Pro 512 is $2397 at Heathcotes which is only $202 dollars cheaper than the latest 16 Pro 512

Perhaps we might see some price drops after the 16 actually goes on sale on the 20th September

Upon doing some more research, according to pricespy it looks like the cheapest the iPhone 14 Pro 512 was sold for was $2260 on 15 October 2023 (release price $2597), and no discounts of note around 12 months post release for the 13 Pro so maybe they don’t do such heavy discounting anymore or perhaps they were related to Covid era availability, will be interesting to see what discounts if any pop up from late Sept to mid October


  • +5

    I'm genuinely curious why people need these phones. I'm not trying to say anyone is wrong getting these. I'm all for cool tech, so nothing wrong if people need these.
    I can see the specs and features of these, so I'm not needing to know that. I'm really interested in what do you actually do with these top end phones?
    Is there some cool app or feature "you use and need" that I'm missing out on?

    • +3

      I cant speak for iphones but I bought a s23 ultra recently just because I wanted to treat myself and got sucked into the hype. It is fast, 1TB storage, amazing photos, surprisingly good battery, and cool features that I didn't have on my old A13 like NFC, being waterproof/dustproof, wireless charging and health tracking with my watch. I haven't made the most of the stylus or probably half of the capabilities this phone has, and I do honestly love it…. but could've probably got most of this from a midrange phone and still have been just as satisfied haha

    • +1

      I've always had top end phones, my current pixel 7 is the exception.

      But aside from a prize I won for a note 20 ultra, they've always been a few models old or used.

      They're nice to have but … For what 99% of people do on their phone, they'd not notice a difference between an iPhone 11 pro and a 16.

      Apple still sell a lot of phones to the fantasy of power users at an inflated price. Not saying Samsung or whoever doesn't, but s24/24 ultra have feature parity except for the pen and I think another lens (and size ofc). I remember Noel's.merching iPhone 13 and 14 beside each other and somehow we still sold more 14s… Despite being the for $200 more

  • no they did not do much on 13 pro and 14 pro. I am following and checking this as well. I think the reason might be
    1. the retailer don't take much of stock near new ip model. if you check Noel Leeming many ip15 pro model does not have stock
    2. the apple may have policy to let retailer to return the unsold device in a good price.

  • I can't imagine they will.

    When I worked for a major retailer the stores plan to clear them was to 'leave them out the back for a year or so until head office discounts them'

    The reality was that there was too little markup on them to justify cutting the price by an amount that anyone would care about and stores are making less money now so can't just hide the major hit in amongst other sales for the day. Its a lot easier to ignore than to write off $500.

    I can't imagine there's been stock available for a while of the pro and usually the non pro just sticks around

    Oh quick edit : the 512 would be even more unlikely. The base storage is probably an order of magnitude more.popular

  • +1

    Apple and discount practically don't exist.
    Can take 6months after release to see any form of discount

  • +2

    Your best bet with anything Apple is flying to Australia and buying a phone then.

    I noticed earlier this year that iPhone's were cheaper than NZ (considering the currency conversion and TRS).

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