This was posted 5 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Get a BK Chicken for $0.99, Double Whopper for $5, 100 Crowns, or Large Frozen Drink & Fries for $2 @ Burger King (Royal Perks)


thanks to Hamster for alerting this is back!
previously i added this to comps but since everyone is a winner, and now BK has fixed the wheel just for one week i thought it should be a posted as a deal.
mods please change if you think it should be in comps.

Promotional Period: one week only! (25/09 - 02/10)

How to Enter: Customer must open ‘Royal Roulette game within or the BK®App and play the game during the promotional period.

A maximum of one entry is permitted per person, per day.


There are multiple prizes to be won and these will change throughout the period of the promotion, at the discretion of the Promotor, with 4 prizes available at any one time.

Burger King NZ has the right to change the prize pool at any time. All entrants will win one of the prizes that are presented to them on the day they play the game. The Prize pool each day will consist of 1 prize from each of group A, B, C and D.

PRIZE GROUP A (5% chance of winning)
0.99c Bk Chicken

PRIZE GROUP B (25% chance of winning)
$5 Double Whopper

PRIZE GROUP C (40% chance of winning)
100 Crowns

PRIZE GROUP D (30% chance of winning)
$2 Large Fries + Large Frozen

Related Stores

Burger King
Burger King

closed Comments

  • 100 crowns for me

    • +1

      You also win the prize for being a true Cheapie Champ in that it cost you nothing :-)

      • it may cost you your health though!

        • So true, so true :-(

    • Did the 100 crowns you won, stay on your account or get expired after 24 hours ?

  • Not working for me on app or website.

  • +2

    Round 3 eh? Gained a solid 7 kilos since the first round…

  • drinks and fries for me Sigh

  • $5 Double Whopper For me

  • +5

    IMO the 99c BK chicken or 100 crowns are the best things to win.

    • also the hardest to get

      • This must be my lucky promo - 100 crowns again, same as yesterday/

    • Definately.

      The $5 double whopper would be fine…. If you could add cheese.

  • got the code from coke today for the free combo + just spun a $2 large fries and large frozen drink

    • Combo for me, and double whopper, might try for a bk chicken

  • Whooo! Finally got a BK Chicken

  • 100 🏧

  • 100 points appear to be taking ages to get added or is it just me?

    • +1

      Roulette broken again? Only lasted a day lol

      • Just worked for me… 100 Crowns and got added straight away

        • Must be mine, "won" 100 crowns, not showing as +100 or in reward history or any other reward deal. Will contact them

          • @memske: Yeah the +100 does show in the Royal perks page, both on the app and the website

            • +2

              @ScoobyNZ: If you quit the roulette page too fast after spinning, you can lose your winning reward fyi

              • @The Hound: That is probably what I did, they couldn't even see that I had played today on their end but they credited it.

                • @memske: Can confirm, need to wait now, not just exit out.

  • +3

    Got dat 99c BK chicken. Just gonna leave this here… 2 hidden ways to get more from your Gmail address(

  • 100 crowns yesterday, $5 double whopper today

  • 3 x $5 double whops across 2 accounts. Madness

    • A sextuple whopper?

      • +1

        Tis a thing of beauty

    • +1

      They're generous with the double whoppers because it's $5. The 99c single whopper or BK chicken is more desirable. I still have some left in the freezer from last time.

      • why didnt i think of that! towards the end of that last promo those bk chickens lost their appeal as i had way too many. I was like tom hanks in survivor eating that raw fish as if it was just a thing to consume because i had to.

        • +1

          Wilson suggested it. Always listen to Wilson.

      • Have had 5 in a row. Yet to redeem one though…

  • 1/3 of cheeseburger… Once again not even worth opening the app, another hilarious fail by bk, it can't have much longer left in NZ at this point it's a joke.

  • Two $5 double whoppers in a row for me. I did go to BK last night although didn't redeem the whopper and spent a lot of money and don't appear to have received the crowns though. Not happy!!

  • I have only spun the $2 chip and points. Haven't had either burger offers. It does feel different to the last time, maybe that is why the old one was broken as the odds were different.

  • +2

    Guess I’m having a Double Whopper for breakfast.

    • +1

      The cornerstone of every nutritious breakfast.

      • +2

        Not sure a single burger would give you the energy required for a full day of trawling the web, looking for bargains.

        Maybe top up with a bowl of sugar cereal.

    • i had a worst one the other day, it did not spark joy whereas the single whopper has always worked for me

  • Yo chat, I like this promotion from bk I was able to get multiple bk chickens in one order and through this it fed me for a whole wk. When do u guys think is the next promotion?

    • i think it was a fairly generous promo, obviously if you only spun the frozen drink and chips its not great, but i had pretty good luck.
      This is technically the 3rd time they have done this particular promo (the second time was cut short due to tech issues apparently), i do hope they keep repeating it, maybe message them on facebook or something.

  • The promotion is still on today, I was just able to spin a prize

    • If i had to guess is they have added one more day to allow people to redeem yesterdays prize, so it might to advisable to use your prize today. Which means I need to eat 2x double whoppers.

      • Just like that promotion is over. Hopefully this comes back in a few weeks time.

        • +1

          ah looks like i snuck in the spin today just in time then, hopefully i can stil redeem what is left

        • Was surprised it was still working up until 10ish this morning as promo was suppose to end yesterday as advertised. Last ever spin was a 99c BK chicken 👍

  • +2

    Wheel still works using this link.

    • I was spinning hundys with this link this morning.

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