Are Samsung's deals on their new release typically worthwhile? The current Samsung discounts would let me get an s24 for just under 900 dollars but I'm not a fan of that phone particularly. However, that's so much cheaper than I'd expect the newest flagship to be straightaway. How much more expensive could I expect the s25 to be and will the deals be any good then?
Worth Waiting for Samsung S25 New Release Deals

Wait and see Samsung is moving to the direct to consumer model that is why you keep seeing very aggressive trade-in offers.
At least then the price of the S24 will also dropFor the S22, S23, S24 the pre order deals have been the best time to buy. Would imagine that will hold true for the S25. I think the S22 cost me $600 at launch after selling the free smart watch, and then the next year I upgraded to the S23 ultra which after selling the S22 on Trademe cost me about $150 to upgrade. I didn't bite on the S24 because the deals were slightly worse and honestly I just don't need it. I'll keep an eye on the S25 and if the deals are good will pull the trigger. Generally never trade in your good phone, use an old phone to get the boost, or even buy an old phone for like $30 and trade it in, then sell your good phone on Trademe.
Can you trade in a random old phone or it has to be a model in the drop-down list?
It has to be from list.
For online the best time to buy is when they offer a sizable trade in boost ($600nzd or more). I got my s23 near release but when I looked at s24 I couldn't find any.
If no tradein boost then preorder bundles are the next best thing. The preorder bundles seems to be getting worse and worse though. That's how I got the S10 and you have to do some reselling to get the savings which is another work.
You can search the historical sales to see a pattern but it's definitely not guaranteed to be close to release date.
Just wondering if anyone had experience of getting the $0 trade-in phone just to get the bonus given the notoriety of Samsung estore? I would hope/guessed that this would be straight forward compared to if you said you have a perfect phone for trade in?
Not particularly, you'd have to wait a couple months for the large trade in boosts to kick in. I traded in my S23 Ultra for an S24 Ultra and only paid around $200. ymmv depending on what deals and codes you can stack.