Freight Forwarding from Aus

Has anyone used any freight forwarders from Aus before? One that I signed up for was, which was posted here some time ago, but I've not used them as they don't really give a clear cost estimator like youshop where you can input the package dimensions and weight. I've thought about using them given the number of great bargains that's available to Australians only (via OzBargains). The 15% off all eBay promotion which ended a few days ago was insane.

The invoice removal service looks good, but just wondering whether anyone's used it and does that mean you get the option to declare the value yourself?


  • Na, sorry, haven't personally used them or anyone else.

    You could always message them and ask for a price, a bit of a pain having to guess.

  • If you find a good one I would be interested.
    On the other foot I find some good bargains in NZ shops which I get sent to Australia. Mainly outdoor gear where NZ has a better range and more competition. But those NZ companies offer good postage rates to Aus.

  • Hello, Just saw this message today !!! We are on Chat from 9 AM - 5 PM Sydney Time ask us and we will be more than happy to help.


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