Swap Fire is free for a limited time then going up to $9.99 (I assume USD).
Swap Fire is a high-intensity game show based on RQI's latest teleportation technology. Shooting other players swaps your locations. Using this simple principle, players must out-wit and out-maneuver each other in 9 different game types!
Swap Fire was originally a Nintendo Wii U Exclusive. With the closure of the Wii U eShop, we've decided to preserve Swap Fire via Steam. We are especially excited about Steam Remote Play Together, which allows Swap Fire's local multiplayer experience to go online for the first time. Please check out our video tutorial for Steam Remote Play Together and be sure to share it with your friends. They don't need a copy of the game to play with you! To make the most of this opportunity Swap Fire is FREE from 11/11 - 12/12, 2024!!! After that, the game will be $9.99 as per Nintendo Reviewer's (see video link) recommendation.
via Hiphopopotamus at OzBargain(ozbargain.com.au)