50% off a 1kg pack, or 30% off larger packs of premium high quality NZ made dog food.
This offer isn't advertised anywhere, I am doing marketing for them and this offer only goes out to contacts in their database, so you won't find it elsewhere. grab it before I get told to stop posing it publicly! :-)
These codes only work on their main kibble range:
code | description/offer |
1KG50 | 50% off - 1kg bags only (special trial offer) |
USAVE30 | 30% any bag |
HLFSXMAS | Free Shipping on order, only if Xmas box is in cart |
^ HLFSXMAS can be combined with the 50% or 30% off deal! https://www.feedmyfurbaby.co.nz/products/XMAS-GIFT