Next Kogan Mobile 50% off/BOGOF Offer?

Hi I was expecting Kogan to come out with deals any day now based on the past few years. Does anyone have any intel if they will be repeating the sale this year?

I was able to renew in their November deal but was hoping to buy a couple of the 365 day deals as xmas presents..

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Kogan Mobile
Kogan Mobile


  • No intel, but consider mighty mobile. There's a 30% off currently on their plans for limited time. Search Cheapies for a discussion on that.

  • Usually fist week of Jan isn't it ?

  • I buy at their boxing day sale each year. Cant recall if they start it eairly or not.

    • +1


    • I'd like to buy if you still have it. I messaged you on here because my plan's run out so I can't text 😂

      • +1

        Sold now. Thanks.

  • The plans in Aus are on sale and Kogan NZ has Boxing Day discounts on items besides prepaid mobile.

    Really hoping they run the discount this year and start before my plan ends.

    • +1

      If not, just go on a monthly plan until an offer comes up that you’re happy with.

    • … I just noticed you get 10x more data in Australia for less money. Something is going seriously wrong here with pricing power.

  • I'm after a large plan code, please pm me. I can go anywhere in Auckland. Cash or online transfer both ok. Thanks

  • I'm after large or medium in tauranga/auckland 😅

  • I need 15gd per month plan if someone has spare keen to buy?..

  • +1

    I reccomend the 25pm unlimited mighty mobile plan, i have switched across until kogan offer a good deal again, speeds are great much faster than 50mps!!

    • What speeds are you getting? I thought there is a hard cap on this "middle" plan.

      • varies where you go, but 200mps download where i am!

        • Thanks. Looks like there is no reason going for the fastest plan.

    • Hey. Could you retain your number from Kogan?

  • I'm after a large plan,please dm me if anyone have one in Auckland :)

  • I have a spare LARGE Kogan Mobile Prepay Voucher - 365 Days | 15GB Per Month

    Albany based, PM me

    • Hi, is your large plan still available? Thanks

      • The vouchers all expired on the 31st Dec 2024.
        If it wasn’t redeemed by then it’s worth nothing now.

        • Forgot about that part 😅 Thank you for the heads up! Hopefully they run another promo

  • Seems Kogan has not run a Boxing day promo at all this year.

    I suspect this may be linked to there issue's delivering sim's that Kogan is having at the moment. Would be somewhat irresponsible to run another steeply discounted promition while people are still waiting on their black friday sims.

    Does leave me in a tricky spot. Annual plan expires 17th Jan. (and my wife's soon after).

    Probably will stick my wife on the 50 Mbps mighty mobile plan - she is quite a heavy use, so unlimited would be good for her.

    Not quite sure what I will do for myself. Don't really need unlimited. Tossing up going monthly with Kogan and waiting for their next deal, and going to mighty.

    • Well to make you feel better - mine expires tomorrow ;)

      Which makes me think I got a New Year's special. My neice, who I gave the other one to, expires at the end of Jan, which would seem to support this assuming I used it straight away, and she waited till the "use before" date.

  • -1

    Seeking 2 more medium / large plans. In Auckland but happy to consider national if we do it through TM & work something out. Cheers

    • Hello, kogan? Right?
      I'm looking for kogan SIM 180gb for 365
      If you have, please call me, and I wanna use it one year

      • Sorry I'm also looking to buy

        • I've got a medium plan if you're interested

          • @gentlemansagreement: Yeah mate, sure am- give me a DM

            I'd DM you but you haven't enabled it in your cheapies settings

            • @Vik0404: Cmon bro I'm clearly buying it from them…

  • Are Kogan Mobile and Mighty Mobile basically the same company behind the scenes?

    • Yes you're right, and now I am considering to buy mighty mobile, three months just need 25 in 3 months 😋

  • Does anyone in Christchurch have a spare Sim card I could purchase? Ordered a BOGOF plan and had only one Sim card arrive.

    • I've got one. Pickup Avonhead if you want it.

      • Have sent you a DM

  • +1

    A couple of maybe useful bits of information for those with a expiry today/tomorrow

    • txts still arrived after my plan expired
    • (known for a while) txts are still received in Aus
    • my expired sim (3/24) still worked(I assume as long as the number hasn't been reassigned)
  • -1

    Looking to buy one more medium / large plan. In Auckland but happy to consider national if we do it through TM & work something out. Cheers

  • Hi, anyone still selling large plan in Auckland??

  • +1

    Seeing as the BOGOF doesn’t seem to be happening, what’s everyone (who didn’t get in on the Black Friday deal) doing? Mighty mobile, or is there a better deal out there?

    • +1

      I went with Mighty Mobile. It's month-to-month for $25 (nice speed and unlimited data) so I can switch to something else pretty quickly if a better deal comes along. I don't need unlimited data.

      • So if I want to have the Mighty $25 (50% discount) for more than one month, do I just purchase, say, 6 of those to be covered for half a year?

        • +1

          It’s a monthly plan so as long as you sign up before the promo ends on the 9th Feb then you only pay $25 per month for the next 12 months.
          There’s no commitment and you can cancel or move providers at any time but you don’t pay several months in advance. It’s debited $25 monthly.
          The yearly plans are debited all at once for a full 12 months plan.

    • +1

      Warehouse mobile.

      It's actually a pretty shit plan, but you can pick up a SIM (though behind the counter - so annoying) for $15 with the 1.25g (currently 2.5g) and get another 5g for transfering your number.

      I hardly ever used 15g a month anyway. Mighty special ends 7 Feb so I may go with them the , or I'll just get a $5 Kogan plan. I suspect they will have a 40% off/buy one special once they have sorted out their SIM card supply (and I have one already for the $5 plan).

  • +1

    Kogan did the drug junkie trick?
    Gave your a deal to hard to resist and now you are addicted but cannot afford.
    Well onlyfans here I come.

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