What to look for when buying a Trampoline?

Hi all,

We are looking for a Trampoling for home use. What to look for? Any brand to avoid due to rust issue? Kmart trampoline is well priced. Would you avoid?


  • My one piece of advice is go for at least a 12 foot tramp.

  • Just IMHO unless you go springfree, they are all much of a muchness.

    The netting etc around the tramp will give out far earlier than the tramp itself.

    Have heaps of friends with trampolines and kids who trash them… the springfree ones seem to last forever but they do cost a lot more.. (eg often 10x the price)

  • I was tossing up between Springfree and Jumpflex as they both seem to have solid warranties.
    Plus most reviews I read seems to suggest both brands lasted years.
    Ended up with a Jumpflex as I couldn't justify the premium for the Springfree

  • My springfree developed rust immediately on the supports for the poles for the trampoline net.

    It's quite a lot of work to install had a friend come over and help me, two of the little tabs didn't pop up properly when we installed the springs under the net and was quite a hassle to uninstall a spring to fix the little tabs, in the end it was perfect however i would recommend the installation service for less hassle.

    We got large oval but in hindsight maybe i should of got the huge oval instead.

    • Thanks for sharing your experience with Springless. I am very surprised it rusted for the price you paid for a premium trampoline. It's double powder coated and rust! Rust is the worse nightmare for any trampoline. Did you have to contact Springless about your rust issue?

      • Yes connected them directly with photos, they said it's non structural part not covered by warranty. It had rust after 3 weeks only.

        • I would not be happy as I bet you were neither. Are all springfeee suppliers like this?

          • @Joshyss: They are based in Christchurch, we are in Wellington.

            • @kiwijunglist: Either way, sounds like you were sold a defective product that you would expect would last you many years and is already deteriorating.

  • Does springless ever go on sale? Like of boxing day?

    • +1

      Yeap. I saw them at the homeshow, where they had an offer.
      And now i get emailed offers fairly often saying "up to $500 off"
      Last was last week as a Christmas special, it was a black friday offer before that.

      • They have sales in spring / summer . Only about 5-10% discount however. They intermittently have a promo where you can get an accessory, eg. We got the ladder free (saved $99). However i think the ladder is actually really badly designed for small children (ie 5 and under) it's a falls risk. For older children it's fine though.

  • Oval vs round shaped trampoline?

    • Biggest you can fit to your shape. Square is quite good

  • We have the $150 one from Bunnings. It has a weight limit of 50kg but it definitely takes in more than that. It's been 4 years. Really good one.
    As others have said the foam has given out maybe a year back.. Only in the address where kids enter the trampoline though.

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