Sunlu PLA+ 3D Printer Filament 1KG $17.50 + Free Shipping (Minimum 6kg) @ Sunlu


SUNLU PLA filament, including PLA+, PLA Matte, and PLA HS. Minimum purchase of 6 spools. Says for Australia only - but free shipping to NZ. About the cheapest per KG filament that you can get - and Sunlu stuff prints well. Lots of colour choices.

Says $18 per kilo. Use code P6GSU1OFK8 at checkout to bring the price down further to $17.50.

I've purchased from this store often - ships from Australia, and typically takes around 7-10 days to arrive.

PS: don't bother trying to add the '$1 small gift' that pops up down the bottom. It'll say that they can't ship to your address when you get to the final stage.

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  • Nice, just bought some, it's also roughly this price on TradeMe.

    I wish the industry had standardised on 250g rolls at a similar price. I'd rather 24 rolls of a range of colour including some duplicates than having to try and use up 1KG before it goes brittle.

  • Anyone else noticing PB and mighty ape started selling Bambu lab A1 and A1 mini, but way more expensive than Australia

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