• expired

Lewis Road Creamery Whole Milk Powder 1kg $10.46 (Club Deal) @ New World (North Island)


New World (North Island Club Card Deal)

From cows who start their day before the rest of the world, can enjoy fresh clean air, are pasture raised, and pasture fed.
Starting at the farm, this product is nurtured 100% from start to package in New Zealand.

Full Cream Milk (99.99%), Emulsifier (0.01%) (Soy Lecithin)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    is this a deal? what a time to be alive…

    • +2

      Unfortunately so, produced in our own backyard too…

      • The real farce is when our NZ diary products are cheaper when bought on the other side of the world than in our own local stores.

  • Great deal, usually only goes to 15 on sale and i grab a few then

    • +1

      I usually get the cheapest milk powder.

      At this price, itself still margincally more expensive than the brand I usually get for a similar price, but makes more milk.

      Is this stuff noticably better than cheaper brands?

      • I think it is, the milk forms a cream on top kinda like silver top.

        • +1

          The reason others like anchor don't separate is likely due to them having 50x more Emulsifier in their milk powder.

          • @kaitae: Yeah, 0.5% vs 0.01% soy lecithin.
            Wouldn't be the first time Lewis Creamery used what most customers would consider a functional defect, as a sign of premium-ness.

            • @apieceofpie: What else have they done? Dont say its something with their butter iv just become addicted to it

              • +2

                @quote: The original chocolate milk, the unmixed chocolate at the bottom would have been considered a defect by any other brand.

                • @apieceofpie: Idiot consumers can stick to highly processed shitty brands. I'm sure they consider the lack of vegetable oil in their peanut butter a defect as well.

    • Are you able to advise how many liters of milk this 1kg pack makes? Cheers

      • +3

        Based on packaging 38g to 250ml.. so 6.58L

        How ever you could still just use the standard 125g to 1L other brands use.

        125g to 1L will look like this:

        Lewis Road
        Protein 29.5g
        Fat - Total 25.5g
        Fat - Saturated 23.5g
        Sugar - Total 48.875g
        Sodium 318.75mg

        Protein 31g
        Fat - Total 33g
        Fat - Saturated 21g
        Sugar - Total 50g
        Sodium 331g

        Protein 27g
        Fat - Total 30.5g
        Fat - Saturated 20g
        Sugar - Total 44g
        Sodium 300mg

        • Now that brings an interesting question. Is Lewis Creamery milk, just normal milk with more milk solids in it? Can you emulate lewis road creamery just by adding in additional milk powder to any milk?

          • +2


            Can you emulate lewis road creamery just by adding in additional milk powder to any milk?


            every time i drink milk i remember my roommate who used to put powdered milk in his milk so he could drink "more milk per milk"

        • Pams(newworld.co.nz)
          Protein 30g
          Fat - Total 35.6g (35.625)
          Fat - Saturated 21.6g (21.5625)
          Sugar - Total 46.9g (46.875)
          Sodium 347mg (346.875)

          Note: Anchor Sodium is in mg

  • Oops missed the deal.
    Looks like I have to wake up early in the morning to milk some almonds.

  • +1

    I’ve requested it to be ranged at NW Kapiti for those in the area (I doubt there are many) and will be available Saturday 😃

  • I went to get it but out of stock and they also put the price up to $14.99

    • Thanks, guess it time to expire this deal.

    • Yeah what the hell, the price changed half way througn the day?

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