New 10% off code avaiable via Samsung Members App…
Code starts with FPL and is valid until 28/02/2025
Where to use this voucher
Use your Members exclusive 10% voucher on
How to redeem voucher
Terms & Conditions Apply:
- To receive this exclusive offer, Customers must be logged into their Samsung Members app, to get their exclusive Members voucher code from the Benefits section.
- Voucher conditions: 10% off for Mobile, Home appliance and Monitor products, and 5% off for TV/AV products.
- Voucher is available in conjunction with existing online promotions only.
- Voucher is valid until 28th February 2025.
- Further information on Trade-in:
- Full trade-in T&Cs:…
- Offer is subject to Samsung Terms of Sale and Samsung
Account Terms and Conditions which can be accessed from the following URL:…
NB: Can be stacked with $50 off "LYZ" code, also GALAXY25, and LNY100. See for these codes.
Only works on normal store and Shop app (not EPP)
You will need:
* A Samsung Phone
* A Samsung Account
* Samsung Members App
Members App
1. Open Members App
2. Sign in if required
3. Click Benefits (should be near the top in the middle)
4. Click "Exclusive Samsung Members Offer"
5. Click 10% off
6. Click Copy code
So where exactly do you find this? In the app somewhere?