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Coca Cola Oreo Zero Sugar 250ml $0.50 @ The Warehouse


Not much to say but it's 50c a can. Save $1.50

Features & Benefits:
- Made in New Zealand from imported and local ingredients.
- Just for a limited time.
- Taste it while it lasts.

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The Warehouse
The Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +1

    Best before next week.

  • +11

    Tastes so bad

  • +1
  • Related: TWH have bootleg Oreos(thewarehouse.co.nz) now. Anyone tried them?

  • +4

    There's a reason they are so cheap! An unholy union of disgustingness

  • It's pretty average. But still decent for $0.50

  • +2

    i wouldnt pay 50c for it.

    Savemore in Nelson has the K Wave Coke Zero Sugar cheap, that tastes better. its still no pepsi max though.

  • Whyknot in Auckland were selling for $1 each, and they were selling.

    Sylvia Park had a whole pallet and struggled to sell half a pallet in 2 weeks at the $0.50 price

    • +1

      Highlights the differing demographics that use the stores I guess.

      Prime is another one that Woolworths struggled to shift at a steep discount

  • Rough as to drink. Had a couple of them and didnt like… for 50 cents a can tho id put myself through it again

    • +8

      Now I'm curious as to why you would spend $0.50 on something you don't like.

      • +1

        Sometimes you just gotta caff, it's an addiction MAN

      • Lol yea. I always drink coke or pepsi each day so just the cost is the incentive with this

    • Albany $0.49, 5 for $2 Cameron Road, otherwise $0.99+

    • +1

      Get a price match at The Warehouse

  • Got $10 worth. Best coke ever made!!

  • This flavour works well in bourbon or rum based cocktails.
    Will be grabbing a bunch of the best before date isn't too close

  • +2

    Someone will have to pay me more than 50c to drink that again.

  • +1

    But what are the Coke flavoured Oreos like?

    • I bet oreos dunked in coke will taste better lol

    • I've tried both. Oreos were actually good. The Coke flavour seemed to be the same as the soft, sugary Coke bottle lollies. This drink, not good.

  • +1

    Not even if it was free. One of the worst drinks made that doesn't involve Mr beast

  • +2

    Worst drink I've ever tasted I think.

    I love regular Diet Coke, Coke No Sugar etc but this is an abomination. Legit tastes like drinking chemicals.

    My wife loves it though, so might buy some for her.

  • +3

    Who would have thought this was such as divisive product!
    In a handful of comments we have:

    1. Best Drink in the world
    2. Worst thng I ever tasted
    3. Tastes horrible but for $0.50 I'm all good!
    • +1

      Is this perhaps a Coriander 2.0 where your gene determine whether the taste like?

      • lol
        Coriander was exactly what I was thinking when I wrote the comment, although I don’t think anyone would pay $0.50 just because they thought it was cheap!

    • Coca Cola Marmite Zero Sugar!

  • It tastes like slightly burnt Coke Zero to me. I'd rather just drink Coke Zero

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