• expired

Buy 1 Get 1 Free Extra Large Kogan Mobile 365 Day SIM Plan $490 (32GB Per Month, Unlimited Calls/Texts to NZ/AU) @ Kogan NZ


Live large on a 365 Day [Extra] LARGE Plan for complete freedom to surf, stream and socialise to your heart’s content.

Back to School Offer: Buy One, Get One FREE on this plan!
Customers will be sent two Free SIM cards!
Activate by 31/03/2025!
32GB of data per Month
UNLIMITED standard calls/text to New Zealand & Australia for 365 days
All for use within New Zealand

The unique Kogan Mobile vouchers included as part of this product is non transferrable and cannot be redeemed for cash. Voucher must be purchased before 11:59PM NZDT on 16/02/2025. Voucher must be redeemed before 11:59PM NZDT on 31/03/2025. A Kogan Mobile SIM card is automatically included with a purchase of this plan. SIM delivery takes up to 14 working days, after which you can activate your plan. Activation or recharge must be made before the voucher expiry date. Voucher does not apply to subsequent recharges. Voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other vouchers or promotional offers. For information about how to use Kogan Mobile vouchers, click here.

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closed Comments

  • +1
    • +1

      Yeah. I thought it might deserve it's own post but there's a 5 minute limit.

      I've made it here now. Not sure if it's against the rules or not but thought it was too complicated to have them both in one post.


      • +1

        Nah good move. Would've been difficult to squeeze both into one title.

  • My Kogan plan expires soon. I'm 50/50 about either getting this or moving to the Unlimited Mighty Mobile plan that's on special for $25 for 12 months.

    • Do Mighty Mobile accept Amex without extra charge?

    • What is your usage like?
      $300 vs $245 each

      • The large plan is perfect for me as I only use 6-10gb.

        The main thinking of moving to mighty mobile was that if a better deal on the large kogan plan came along in a couple months I could switch back over. A lot of faff and what ifs though so will probably get this XL one.

    • I am with MightyMoblie and I can say not having to stress about a datacap/limit has been amazing.
      I have been on the $20p/m plan but I am coming up to my 12 months, so will head over to $25 p/m for a year.
      Little bit salty that they are not refreshing the slowest tier as I don't need speed, but it is what it is.

      • +1

        Can you do short codes?

        • Sadly no.

          • @Fox419: Yes you can

            • @GreenGarnish: https://www.mightyape.co.nz/mn/mightymobile

              ^Unlimited voice calls and TXTs to standard NZ and AUS numbers (e.g. no short codes or premium numbers). Personal mobile phone use only. Mobile terms apply.

              I tried to do a short code to the DIA spam text line couple of months back and mightymoblie freaked out. spamming me it could, so shrugs.

              • @Fox419: That's strange, somebody here said they have fixed the short codes. Maybe they haven't updated their website?
                I haven't tested it myself personally, but I am pretty sure that when I was transferring my number from Skinny to MM, the message I had to reply to to confirm I really want to transfer the number was from a short code.
                EDIT: Now I am looking at my message history and I was also stopping some spam, which was then confirmed as stopped. So it works now.

  • +6

    One day, Kogan is going to not offer the effective 50% off deal and there will be a mass exodus.

    And I say that where my whole household (including my car) has a Kogan simcard.

    Or, like this one, they'll try and force people onto more expensive plans. If they ever stop offering the medium as a BOGOF or 50% off, then my car and father will immediately ghost.

    • +2

      Already happening. I only got 30% off around September after two years of bogof. Boxing day no sale.

      • BOGOF was Black Friday last year. Didn't include small plan but all others IIRC.

    • +2

      It seems like they are trying to change the timeframes they are offering these deals year by year to catch certain people off-guard and hopefully get them on the more expensive plans

      • +1

        They had a sim shortage in the wake of their black Friday sale. Deferring their boxing day sale until they had sims was prudent.

        But yeah, they are clearly structuring their pricing to encourage people to buy higher tier plans.

  • -3

    No matter whether the deal is sweet or not, Kogan Mobile NZ has two major letdowns:

    You can't receive SMS for free outside of New Zealand unless you're keen to splash out on the pricey international roaming add-on.

    It doesn't support eSIM.

    • Receiving SMS in roaming is free. They can't charge for that. I've received them many times without any problems.

    • +5

      The majority of people don't have any idea what E-Sim is…. And quite honestly I've got family all over the world (Canada, Portugal, UAE and Bulgaria) and we don't do or use international texting we use WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or whatever's going as it's unreliable anyway.

      Just an opinion from my point of view.

    • +1

      Pretty sure I received SMS when I was traveling last year.

    • +3

      Yes, you can (in OZ at least). And frankly this isn't the plan to get if you travel frequently anyway. A local plan and What's App will see you better off.

    • I received SMS while traveling recently without having any addons. Also, using wifi calling I could make & receive NZ calls while travelling. Works like a charm. And not all providers have eSIM in NZ yet.

      • interested to hear your exp with wifi calling. Didn't have a phone with Wifi calling capabilities last time overseas, but have now. I'm guessing it treats you as if you're still in NZ, so Kogan treat it as local calling?

      • Very recently we did 5 weeks in Europe and found NZ originating SMS worked fine and were delivered while roaming. Anything outside of that e.g. SMS from German UberEats equivalent failed to be delivered.

        This was with a Kogan Mobile Large plan, eSIM (different provider) for data overseas.

    • +1

      I haven't used either of those but on the other hand, free MMS and voicemail was a major benefit that I didn't realise until I had it.

      Skinny charged me for sending MMS and every voicemail call, so I just never used either.

    • +2

      I received a SMS in Manila yesterday (even though my plan is expired), so I call bullshit on that one.

      Also while the don't advertise it, Wifi calling works great. Stick my phone into flight mode, and I can make calls and receive call as though I am in NZ.

    • +2

      I also was able to receive SMS' in Vietnam and Thailand last year without the international roaming add-on. I was also able to send SMS' too.

  • I believe they now also allow shortcodes (aka sending texts to 4 digit numbers for replying YES to an appointment or cancelling txt subscriptions)

    • Yep have for a while too

  • +1

    Have been with Kogan for years. It's great.

    Main downside is their extra data is super expansive.

    They sell their 32GB plan in this promo for $20.42 a month per phone, but if you run out they charge $21.90 for just 3GB.

    • I struggle to use the 32GB, i've got 2 kids hotspotting off me all the time and playing Roblox. Would love to know how you getting through it all.

      • When we brought our last round of plans, they only had 16gb ones available.

        I have been fine with that, and never run mine out.

        But my wife has run hers out several times.

        In short for her, it is extensive image / video based social media (consumption and production), Stacked with extensive VOIP calling (often video).

        If we don't go away, (other than 2x times where she has turned the WiFi off and hit her 80% warning before she notices it is off), she is usually OK.

        But if we go away (even for a couple of days), unless she really cuts back she will run out.

        And when she was in the hospital (which had free and fast wifi that she could have used), she drained her 16GB in under 48 hours…

        I think I am going to get her the mightly mobile plan. Tossing up for myself. With unlimited data I could take work zoom calls on the road etc.

  • +1

    My large plan is expiring 23 March, reckon there'd be a better deal that time round? Since its EOFY?

    • No one knows, so just gotta wait and see

    • You can still take up this offer without losing any of your existing plan.
      The only proviso is that you need to share the plan with someone else.
      Buy the plan before the 16th Feb and then wait until your current plan expires to activate as you have until the 31st March to do that.

      Unless of course you don't use anywhere near the amount of data on offer (32GB) per month.
      Then it's a lottery as to whether something better comes up.

    • I don't think Kogan has ever done a better deal than 50% off or BOGOF, so (assuming you are happy to split this BOGOF plan with somebody, and this is your desired plan size), based on the past, this is as good as it gets.

      Given the expiry date is after your current plan expiry, might as well lock it in now.

      Quite a few people missed out when Kogan didn't run a boxing day sale this year (I assume due to their sim supply issue).

  • Keen to share with someone. Purchased last one on here via trademe cheers

  • Can I use Kogan while I travel in Australia? If not, what is the best option to call while travelling in Australia? buying a local sim and plan?

    • +2

      It's unlikely you will be able to use it without roaming.

      However, a few solutions if you want to get creative and technical.

      - Leave your phone at home, set up a VPN and RustDesk and remotely connect to it to send texts and calls from your laptop or a spare smartphone
      - Use WiFi calling maybe? I haven't tried this before
      - If just texting, leave your phone at home and set up Google Messages on your laptop and use something else for calls (like Facebook Messenger or Zoom)

      • thanks and yes it is a bit too technical for me, lol.

  • +1

    Is anyone looking to split a plan?

    • Yes

  • The plan details only say 4G but the ads say 5G. Can anyone confirm if you get 5G on this plan? "The service provided is a Kogan Mobile EXTRA LARGE – 365 DAYS Plan giving access to Vodafone 3G & 4G coverage"

    • +1

      I’m on the large plan at the moment and am getting 5G!

  • Can anyone share with me half in terms of this deal?

    • Yes please, Can you message me I am not able to send you message

  • Is anyone interested in sharing one of these plans?

    • I can share it , if you are still interested

  • anyone still interested in sharing one of these plans?

    • I can share it are you still interested?

      • +1

        Sorry, already shared with someone, thanks for reply

        • no problem thanks man

  • please pm me if anyone is interested to share this plna

  • Anyone interested in buying my Kogan Mobile plan?

    Plan: MEDIUM BOGOFEOFY 365 Day Plan
    Data per month: 4GB
    Start Date: 31-05-2024
    Renewal Date: 31-05-2025
    Phone Number: +64 28 **** ****

    Unconsumed cost as at 31-01-2025 is $41.10 = $125.00 ÷ 365 × 120.

  • Anyone still looking to split the deal?

  • Anyone still keen to split the deal? I'm a bit late to the game but we still have a few days left to order. PM me if interested.

    • message me i can

    • Still looking if anyone's keen :D

  • Late to the party but anyone keen to half? After another one for mum. cheers

  • Does anyone know how long it takes for the sim to arrive in non-rural area? It's been 1 week and I haven't received my sim

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