• expired

Petrol 91 $2.416/L @ Mobil Riccarton (Christchurch)


Cheapest petrol in Christchurch today. I just used my Farmsource card for another 16c off. Yeah!

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  • I was also just there, it's been so long since I went to Mobil that my unregsitered Smiles card had expired and I had to pick up a new one!

    • +1

      Paid $2.40 at Waitomo today, cheapest in town, .22cpl cheaper than the standard fuel stops. And being the cheapie that I am, I stop and spin at every $20 mark. Have to do it again with the second car tonight.

  • $2.47 now.

  • Just realised my farmsource card has expired. Its been a while.

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