TL;DR Has anyone had ongoing issues with dust/crap in the bag cavity with a Miele C3?
So I bought a Miele C3, not happy with the depth of clean that cordless stick vacuums were giving. Had great reviews and the price I got (thanks Cheapies) wasn't bad.
I'm now onto my fourth bag, and all three before it have had the same issue: I get to a "nearly full" (80-85%?) bag and when I go to check it there is vacuumed up dust and crap all around the bag, through the bag cavity, through the intake filter, through the motor and into the exhaust filters.
I thought the first time was user error, but after the second time I was convinced it was the machine. I took it back to whence I bought it, a reputable appliance retailer who claimed to have dealt with a lot of vacuum repairs but had never seen it happen before. They got it cleaned (for free, to their credit), but claimed it was because the dust I was vacuuming was "too fine" (!?!), and that there was a lot of sand (apparently Euro branded vacuum cleaners can't handle sand??)
I've just now had the same issue on the third bag and I'm both livid and loathe to take it back and be told my vacuum cleaner has been misused again (which it hasn't).
Online I've seen others with this issue, where the bag can dislodge from the clip holding it in when you open the lid, so when you close it again the hose intake is offset from the bag hole. A glaring design flaw, if you will. That might have been the case the first two times but I checked it meticulously this time around and that was not the problem. The bag was fully snapped into place when I discovered the mess again.
Maybe the bag was too full? But every other bagged vacuum I've ever owned, all cheaper than this one, has had a relief valve that indicates when a bag is full and stops sucking as hard so you know to go change it. Can Mieles just not cope with a full dust bag? Do I need to check it every 10 minutes and discard the ($8 genuine Miele-branded) bag when it's half full??
Has anyone else had this issue? Is it a lemon? Should I demand a refund/replacement?
Interesting. So I've owned 2 Miele C3, one is 15+ years old and another is almost 2 years. I've never had the problem you've described unfortunately. I even use 3rd party bags and never had any issues. I am careful with making sure the hole and the bag align when I close the lid though? What I vacuum is mostly carpet and hard floor?
It does seem like you go through the bags really fast. I think one bag will last me close to a year, and I do vacuum weekly. I will say though, these vacuums are not really designed for sucking up bulk loads of things like wood dust, sand etc, the filters simply can't handle it. So if you're using it for such a purpose, you probably better off with other commercial options.