Does anyone know if there is a setting anywhere on ChoiceCheapies to enable a dark mode or dark theme? I keep frying my eyes when checking the site for sweet deals as soon as I wake up in the morning.
ChoiceCheapies Site Dark Mode

Thanks for replying, looks like Bill found the native solution below.
When you click on my account it's above log out
Thanks so much Bill, this was exactly what I was looking for but couldn't seem to find.
Wow thanks bill, I just did the same on OzB which was worse. Not native though
wow never knew dark mode was available and makes site so much better thanks Bill for how to do it.
I got a dark-mode jump scare! Thought I was on the wrong site for a second.
Yesss how did you update everyones settings? Lol
No idea, the power of positive thinking maybe?
My dude, you have set my account to dark mode when you did this. That is pretty crazy.
That's crazy, there must be some kind of link between all our accounts or something. Hope you like dark mode haha
I’ve noticed my setting is toggled to “device” so I wonder if that setting was force enabled to all users somehow?
Pretty sure that the “device” option only appeared recently
The new dark mode (since this afternoon) is quite dim. Not liking it at the moment.
I find the red text is pretty jarring and intense.
It currently feels like I'm under the blanket, on the lowest brightness, trying to not wake up my partner 😄
Haha. All done it.
I don't like it either
Similar yarns on OzB (they made the dark mode colours a lot softer this morning) I'm using google chrome on windows 10 and set for dark mode, then when I logout it return to white mode, don't know if any other settings i should check?
I don't know of any native solution, but if you're using Chrome on mobile, you can enable dark mode for sites: Settings -> Theme -> System default -> Check "Apply dark themes to sites, when possible".
This manually inverts the colour of sites to be dark, similar to some Chrome extensions that would do the same on desktop.