[Eligible Non-Fibre Customers] Sign up for Fibre Broadband and Get a $400 Prezzy Card @ Chorus


This summer, you could find yourself $400 better off when you register below and connect to fibre broadband.

1 Register
Enter your address below. If eligible, a form will open for you to complete.

2 Get connected
Contact a broadband provider, order a fibre plan and get connected within 60 days.

3 Done
Once your connection has been active for a minimum of 30 days, your Prezzy Card will be on its way.

Terms & Conditions(chorus.co.nz)

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  • Bugger I don't have fibre at my property but my address in ineligible. This would've motivated me to finally get it installed

    • Yeah wonder how people qualify?

    • Prob. depends on how easy the install/close to their home-base is? Just guessing.

  • same for my parents

    • Get onto starlink. Vdsl was so painful and when it goes down …good luck at chorus fixing it

    • +1

      Even 5G mobile broadband is better than vdsl except for latency for like moba/shootergames

        • +3

          Bet you’re a hoot at parties!

        • Ok thanks for that.

  • Would be interested to know what makes an address eligible! Found one address of a relative which is eligible, the rest (who don’t have fibre) I’ve checked aren’t eligible.

  • I have an address that's eligible. I'm wondering whether it's worth doing this for the prezzy card. They currently only pay $5-$10 a month for wireless broadband through skinny jump.

    • I looked into this for a relative, and the thing that's putting me off is that it seems like a might be difficult to switch back to skinny Jump, given that it's supposed to be for people who don't have broadband because of the cost.

      • +2

        Skinny jump wouldn't be affected, skinny is wireless so it has no relationship with the fibre. You can have both fibre and wireless concurrently active. So it's effectively whether or not it's worth the hassle to set up a new fibre connection for them and then cancel it a month later to get $400. I wonder if it counts as a connection if the ont is not connected. Because it would be a huge hassle to have to set up a new router and plug it all in as I don't even have a spare fibre router and they wouldn't be able to do any of it themselves so I would have to send someone else to go do it.

    • I would say yes.

      Sign up on a ~$60/m, no joining fee, open term plan. Budget to pay for 2 months (as you need to be connected 30 days to get the $400 card.

      $400 - $120 = $280 profit.

      But I think the biggest win is simply having the fiber installed.
      - This ticks a box for anybody who might want to rent or buy the house in the future
      - Allows a quick transition from from skinny jump to UFB if ever needed in the future. Say an occupant needs higher quality internet or unlimited data for teams calls or similar.
      - Installs may not always be free. Locking it in now while getting paid to have it done seems very prudent.

      • I don't think this offer is for people without fibre installed yet. It's for households who chorus have invested a lot of money installing fibre for them but they aren't making a return on their investment because the household isn't using the fibre. That house already has fibre installed and you would probably not be eligible if you didn't at least have fibre cable attached to your house. And it wouldn't make sense for them to then charge for the indoor install when they've already invested in running cable to your house.

        I think you can actually get away with paying less than 2 months with electric kiwi, they charge using a daily rate, so it could be a $340 profit. I would be a lot more willing to do it if I was in the country but the thought of managing everything from the other side of the world gives me a headache just thinking about it.

        • +1

          What you are saying aligns with what a chorus insider is saying on geekzone.

          Already having a ONT would reduce the incentive a lot.

          Get what you are saying about being out of the country.

          • @scott: To add to the geekzone thread, it's also not the first time they've done this.

            I saw a card in a neighbour's letterbox a few years back offering a cash incentive to join fibre. It was very similar but I don't think as high as $400.

            No address I tried could get that offer.
            The property that I can get the offer at now, at the time either hadn't joined skinny jump yet and still had fibre or had left not long enough ago and wasn't eligible when I tried to put the address into the page.

            • @Bill: There has been another flip flop in that thread. Select addresses without an ONT installed are included in the offer.

              Criteria for selection is unknown.

              • @scott: Yes that makes sense as chorus has already invested money running the fibre optic to the property. To care about the ont install wouldn't make sense as that's a small cost when they have already invested a lot for otherwise no return.

                There are two parts to installing fibre. First is running the cable to your house and attaching it to the exterior. It's done in bulk, an entire street at a time. Second is booking an appointment to "install" fibre. Which is just splicing the cable and running it further into the house to the ont. A chorus contractor comes to your home to do it in an hour. Not having the ont is not the same as not "having" fibre like rural areas where no one is going to spend the money running fibre optic cables several kilometres just for one property.

            • +2

              @Bill: Yeah I joined from that offer a couple years ago, then switched back to wireless broadband, then got offered this again

  • +1

    400 from chorus and 200 from contact energy

    Way to go

  • Interesting and good too !. Chorus apparently have now reopened this very good and generous offer !. Suggest Cheapies who are looking for a much better alternative to the speed variability problems with 4G wireless, make their decision soon, as the ISP industry has said it's looking to raise Fibre connection plan pricing in 2025. For moderate speed capacity useage households the current Sky 50/10 "Home Starter" fibre plan 12 month deal at just $55 P.M is a good deal. (No extra fees at all, (unless you need the router in home install tasks done by them), and its pay monthly for the 12 months). Once you include the $400 digital chorus prezzie card in its a super bargain pricing. I have this plan and chorus $400 promo and finding it rock solid consistent speed and performance, compared to constant very low speed issues with the 4G skinny wireless package I had. Happy days now ! . (Northshore , Auckland location).

    • +1

      Signed up for sky - thank you

      Sky's onboarding process is pretty bad - a lot of their systems seem to be outdated or broken

  • (PS: Thou note it's narrowly targeted as to eligibility. So for example my unit was eligible , but another close by unit in the complex wasn't but both of us have the chorus fibre boxes installed into our units).

  • +1

    Oh and PPS !: If you sign up with Kiwi cash back via the NZ "Broadband compare site", you should be eligible for Kiwi cash back of $25. :)

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