Airless Paint Sprayer - Any Good Recommendations?

Would be great if any of you have used airless sprayers and have good recommendations.
Regular spray gun would've been okay if wasn't for constantly needing to refill the tiny container.

Need it to paint long fences


  • +1

    Wagner is a safe bet. Like anything wait for a sale. They are stocked elsewhere as well.…

  • If you're considering a career in painting or plan to tackle frequent painting projects, I highly recommend investing in a Graco sprayer. These high-quality sprayers are the industry standard, widely used by professionals due to their reliability and excellent finish. However, if you're an occasional painter, the investment may not be justified.

    • Defnitely occasional painter, but can imagine needing to use once or twice a year. Do you know what Graco would be the best 'value for money' option?

      • Not sure about the best value for money but this is the model I bought… and recommended by my father-in-law who owns a painting business. Graco is definitely the best you can get. It will last for years if you look after it.

        Comes with a couple of dewalt batteries so you can swap use it for other equipment.

        I've spoken to some other people that have gone with cheaper options and they have been frustrated needing to thin the paint and hold the sprayer in a certain direction. The model above can use paint straight from the can and can spray in any direction, even the ceiling or upside down.

        • Awesome will take a look!

    • Hello ChatGPT

  • I bought this one:…
    Did over 50m of fence in a couple of hours, very quick and easy to use.
    I couldn't justify the expense of going for the Wagner. The Ozito was on special when I bought too, half the price of the Wagner.
    Only trick I found is only use brand new paint. I tried some that had been sitting for a few months and it kept clogging the nozzle.
    New paint flies through.

    • Thought Bunnings doesn't go on special, what did you buy for and how long ago if you don't mind me asking?

      • No problem, Might be 2 years ago now. Probably just the price has gone up. I had in mind it was just under the $300 mark but I can't find the receipt now.

        • Did you find overspray was a problem? Just watched some videos and the ozito one has a big cloud of paint around you when painting. Did you notice that?

          • @mickey9876: No. I was super cautious spraying a fence on a boundary with a neighbour. I made sure I was close to the fence and then stopped and checked leaves on the trees between the properties, no overspray. I did wait for a really still day but there was still the odd puff of breeze. I did the trellis at the top of a different fence with a cardboard sheet protecting the overspray and that was also fine.

  • If it's a one off job and if you don't have experience with I would rather recommend going with paint & brush.

    • Its an extremely long fence

      • Be very mindfull of overspray drift. Very easy to do extensive damage to nearby cars, houses etc if paint spaying goes south.

        • Exactly this. I did my fence and initially bought the ozito spray and started doing it. But due to wind and gaps between the fence immediately figured out that it won't work for me. Yes, there would be tips & tricks to minimize the damage along with not inhaling the toxic paint as a first timer I just decided to use the brush. No doubt it took more time, but I feel that using brush it did better job then spray. As the fence wood is not that finished/polished using brush I feel the paint went inside all the nocks compared to what I could have got from spray.

  • If you are painting a fence and don’t want to use a spray gun get yourself a long nap roller or a Speedbrush. They are WAY better and significantly faster than using a standard brush and they will still get into all the rough bits etc. in the fence palings. There used to be a specific speedbrush for fences not sure if they are still around but it was excellent on rough surfaces.

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