Ran out of normal tablets and these were basically the same price per tab (33.3c) of the cheapest Finish Powerball (27.3c) options, whilst supposedly being significantly better.
The non-Powerball ones are $27 for 110, so they're overall cheaper at 24.5c.
Quantums are usually 50c or more per tab.
Seems to be plenty of stock around, and they're not advertising it as a special.
Bought two bags.
Edit: Poking around at alternatives, the Quantum brand barely makes a showing, and "Ultimate" is now seen a lot, so maybe they're just clearing out and disposing of the Quantum brand.
I watched only one of these videos, but according to this guy the power ball might not make a whole lot of difference and we might be fine buy the one without. If I recall correctly the dude mentions the ball goes to waste because it melts and mixes too early.
Tablets and poweders
Dishwashers, same guy