Half Price Sitewide + $10 Delivery @ Fresh As (Freeze-Dried Fruit)


This deal just came up on my instagram :)


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  • Most things are 8-13g per pack, so like greggs herbs with premium prices

    • Yeah the herbs are pricey. It's more about the fruit, if you're a baker this stuff is fancy so half price is a chance to try it :)

    • +1

      But of significance, these herbs are freeze dried. It is completely different to standard supermarket herbs. I.E. Dried coriander versus freeze dried is night and day. I've ordered the herb set and some panna cotta mix, I got a great price, thanks OP.

  • +2

    There seems to be a bit of briscoes pricing going on. Their website prices are higher than at the supermarkets. Half price brings it down to a bit less if you spend enough for free shipping

  • Thanks OP

    1. Strawberry powder (30g) - x1
    2. Raspberry powder (35g) - x1
    3. Passion Fruit powder (40g) - x2
    4. Tropical Panna Cotta bundle - x2
    5. Raspberry Panna Cotta bundle - x2
    6. Icing and Garnish set - x1
    7. Blueberry powder (40g) - x1
    8. Blackcurrant powder (40g) - x1
    9. Black Doris Plum Panna Cotta bundle - x3
    10. Black Doris Plum panna cotta (45g) - x2

    Total Original Price: $206.00
    Total Discounted Price: $103.00

    • What are these for - smoothies, baking or just eating ?

      • Yes, the powders I want to use in smoothies, panna cotta is what it is.

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