• long running

10% off Voucher with Newsletter Signup (Excludes Clearance Items) @ cotopaxi NZ


10% off welcome offer - site wide COTOPAXI.CO.NZ
Cotopaxi is the most popular outdoor brand right now.

From FAQ
Hey there! Thanks for dropping by the Cotopaxi Crew! If you head over to our website, keep an eye out for a friendly little pop-up on our homepage. When you sign up, we’ll send you an email with a delightful discount code—10% off your first order! (Just a quick heads-up: this offer doesn’t apply to last call items, but we’ve got plenty of other goodies waiting for you.)

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  • +2

    So does the 10% stack with the 25% off afterpayday offer sitewide?

    • +1


      • So you have an awesome discount code and want to opt into a promotion we're having on the site? Shoot… that is a tough one, but only ONE discount code or promo code can be applied to an order. Discount codes are valid on eligible items only.


      • +1

        Then this is a completely pointless offer.
        It costs you more to use it than the 25% off on the website!
        I realise the current 25% off is only for a limited time but an odd time to post a mere 10% deal.

  • +1

    "the most popular outdoor brand right now" … According to who? That's a very bold claim to make without any proof behind it.

  • I mean to say the hottest

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