This was posted 8 years 10 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Acess to over 4000 Newspapers and Magazines in 100 Countries (Including New Zealand)


I wasn't sure about posting this but I saw that this has been popular on OzBargain( Just enter any 10 digit code in the Barcode/Library card No. box.
Most Libraries in New Zealand support this but any 8 digit number will work. Pretty every newspaper from around the world and New Zealand is available.

If would like to connect to Press Display through a library although it is not required use one of the links below:

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Awesome tip! However I got it to work via the Auckland libraries eResources/Digital Library section, not through OP's link.

    If you have an Auckland Library card, use this link:…

    • Pretty much every library does it.

      • Yes, but I couldn't get my library card number to work at the Pressdisplay site - it just says "invalid barcode" or something like that. This is just a tip for anyone who couldn't get access using your link.

        Previously I always thought that you have to physically go to a library to read free newspapers.

        • It only accepts eight digit codes, but it accepts every ten digit code. Just put in 1234567890 and it lets you in.

    • Added that link and more to the post

  • +1
    • +2

      Try using 1234567890 I think it should be a ten digit number.

      • +1

        That did it, thanks.

        • Added it as a coupon code to the deal.

  • +2

    Just read Edge magazine in the UK. Awesome find, best of the year so far.

    • plus the papers that go/are going to online paid platforms are typically available here free too.

      • The NZ Herald E-Edition normally costs $16.50 per month( It's available free on here as well.

  • I can't get pass that pin number? What should I do with those pin then?

    • Still working fine for me. Try again.

  • This is a great find.

    Although the 'click and drag' when zoomed in is irritating because it drags is the opposite direction to what you expect. Anyone else find that?

    • Yeah that is quite annoying, but it's free. You can't complain too much.

  • Could this be made a long running deal?

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