This was posted 8 years 8 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Download 1 Free Audiobook @ Audible


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  2. Sign up with an Amazon account
  3. Pick your free book from more than 200,000 titles
  4. Download and listen using the free apps. (Available on Apple AppStore, Android Google Play, Amazon app, Windows Store)

First book free with 30-day trial
•$14.95/month thereafter for your choice of 1 new book each month
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•All selected books are yours to keep, even if you cancel

*T&Cs: Membership renews automatically after trial at $14.95/month, entitling you to one audiobook per month, plus members only discounts and promotions. See… for full terms and conditions.

Trial Offers. Audible may, in its sole discretion, make available free or paid trial offers for a monthly membership plan, the terms of which will be more fully explained on the Audible Service (a "Trial Offer"). You must have a valid payment instrument, such as a credit card or other permitted payment method, on file in your Audible Account in order to initiate a Trial Offer. Upon expiration of the trial, you will automatically be joined into the related membership plan and Audible will charge your authorized payment instrument the relevant monthly fee. YOU MUST CANCEL YOUR MEMBERSHIP PRIOR TO THE END OF THE TRIAL OFFER TO AVOID CHARGES TO YOUR PAYMENT METHOD. Trial Offers are limited to one per customer and account.

Expires 31 December 2016

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closed Comments

  • Amazon Prime members should be able to get 3 months free of said plan iirc(for new Audible members)

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