Bargain Box is the new budget version (ChoiceCheapies version?) of My Food Box by Nadia Lim.
We thought we'd try it out and I managed to dig out this coupon code in a Facebook post. Not sure when it expires and I'm guessing only works for new sign-ups.
There are 4 different options:
- Feed 4, 3 days a week = $79.99
- Feed 4, 5 days a week = $119.99
- Feed 6, 3 days a week = $109.99
- Feed 6, 5 days a week = $159.99
All of the above come with a $10 shipping fee, which is removed with the code.
That kid in the ad, Julian Dennison, was great in Hunt For The Wilderpeople. Coincidentally Sam Neill does Red Meat ads in Australia.