ChoiceCheapies is the new bargain hunting and sharing community in New Zealand. It has soft launched and is currently in beta, i.e. lots of things might be broken. We'll use this thread to discuss issues, problems, and general comment on the site.
ChoiceCheapies Beta Discussion

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I think for the time being they can be posted here. It's late and I'll email you tomorrow regarding this site :)
Sweet as mate.
This thread isn't showing up in the Forum category:'s empty.Fixed now. Database problem.
Cool, It's also showing OzBargain in the 'Forums' pull down menu.
Under comps the AU states are listed there.CHCH, WLG, WKL, HAM, QTN could be some alternative abbreviations.and also when creating a new comp it asks for "Australia wide" and a list of the same states.The default user timezone is AU (+10/+11) should be +12/+13.Created a deal under the category "Mobile" but it isn't displaying: fixed now.
Cheers Scott. Haven't found any other bugs.
Just emailed another one.Homepage:
Block [[block:frontpage_notice]] is empty.
That's only visible to moderators. It's used to put announcements. So for example, OzBargain is showing the members of the month as the announcement.
Alright, sweet.
I think perhaps the cashback button (underneath go to deal) should be removed until we can find cashback providers that work in NZ.Sure. It's gone for now for deals. I'll remove them from the store pages later this evening.
Looks like you have the dating category( on with ads. Just pointing it out because I'm pretty sure I remember you saying it was off on OzBargain. Not sure if it's something you want or not.Pretty sure it is blocked. These are using the same ads code at the moment. Maybe the advertiser didn't file them under Dating but rather Import/Export? :P
I was wondering if we could relax the +ve voting threshold a little. I just tried to vote on my third deal and it wouldn't let me. I know I can bypass it, but probably can relax it little until we get more deals?Yeah with smaller number of deals you'll easily reach the +vote threshold. I'll take a look.
For some reason the front page deals pager seems to think there are more than 2 pages of deals.Yes the "count" was hard coded for the front page to be 1000 — it was done so on OzBargain to save extra (potentially expensive) query. Obviously wouldn't apply here & I'll have it fixed (or maybe just wait until people post more deals :)
It won't be long before there are 1,000 anyway…
These are at the same time: "Who's Online" is only updated every 5 minutes.
So the page is updated before the module on the homepage? No big deal, just curious as to why one shows one set of information and one another.
Yes that page is generated in real time but the "Who's Online" block on the front page is only updated once every 5 minutes. Less a problem when you have >100 people online.
Can we import banned domains, banned email domains, and banned IP addresses?I'll import the same set from OzBargain. However I think in the future we'll do something so they'll share the same set of banned lists.
In the registration email:
After logging in, you will be redirected to so you can change your password.
I just re-read that email and realised that I wasn't redirected. I logged in by copying and pasting the temporary password, then manually went into my profile to change it.
Also just noticed when commenting here that internal links are in OzBargain orange!
Edit: As is the block quote.
The ad on the mobile front page is taking up most of the real estate. Screenshot( I think it should be a small banner instead of big square.Yes there was a bug in my new ad-serving code that failed to detect mobile browser and served the desktop ad unit instead. Fixed now.
Small one: now.
Showing for me.
I mean the Related Products box, it says picture coming soon.
The problem is that when the database got ported over to ChoiceCheapies, the product tags are kept but the images aren't. I'll need to work out a way to sync all the products and domains to share the same info & image — that's will be for the later. Meanwhile we'll have to re-generate those images.
Is this guy meant to be here? not. Looking through the database I don't see a blank user there — might be issues with username search.
It might be an imposter!
It's fixed now. Indeed it was returning an imposter :) A pseudo-user in the database the represents guests.
This seems to happen regardless of the length:
When signing up to the site via G+, I get a Google Accounts page:400. That’s an error. Error: origin_mismatch Application: OzBargain You can email the developer of this application at: [Scott's email address] Request Details = from_login=1 response_type=code token id_token gsession scope= redirect_uri=postmessage cookie_policy=single_host_origin proxy=oauth2relay456841442 state=766499804|0.3828944994 include_granted_scopes=true origin= as=-2fbc7e77c0b6a7ab hl=en-GB That’s all we know.
Yeah I have not set up Google+ signin yet. The Facebook signin should be working though. I'll have this sorted on Monday.
SSO with Google+ should be working now.
Another: Text updated.
Another thing that is different here is that we don't have "p" plates, we go Learners (L) -> Restricted (Could use a red or orange "r" for 6 weeks) and then full. Just noticed on the homepage and not many would know what it means.
No "reason" options with the Report function.'s now fixed.
Guys. If you want to give me a cpanel login I can make an sql query to search replace on your ozbargain drupal database. As is search for the word ozbargain and replace with choice cheapiesIs it showing up elsewhere on the site?
Fat chance :) a moderator you can actually click on the gear icon next to it to go to the wiki page to change the list of reasons there.
Hey, new colour scheme and logo. Very nice.
I was really impressed with the screenshots Scott sent me yesterday afternoon. It makes the site a lot more eye catching and appealing, especially with the color scheme being somewhat more "Kiwi".
I like it a lot too :)
tried to reply to this( and got just a blank white screen.Attempted a few times, same result.Yeah, same result here.
I believe moocher is fixing that up. We are also deploying the new user <-> store relationship feature (allowing not just Rep but also Associated, Marketing, etc) which is still under review. Put it on ChoiceCheapies first to iron out the bugs before deploying it on OzBargain :)
Can you try again please? Thanks.
All good, thanks.
Cool thanks
The header image in the emails is fairly big. Also the background html where the header image is should probably be black instead of blue.The email template header is fixed. For the large header image — we are now using 2x pixels for the heading logo to get better output on high DPI phones / tablets.
I switched to grid view or attempted to but now the front page won't load at all.I managed to take down the site or something.
After waiting a minute for grid view to load, I got:
ChoiceCheapies is broken at the moment, and the backend will be restarted "very very soon".
I think the grid front page does not really works for the "bootstrap mode" that ChoiceCheapies is currently running on. I've disabled that for now.
Is open in a new window/tab default? I was showing my manager the site and he was leaving with every deal link he clicked, kind of defeats the purpose IMO.Opening deals on new window / tab is only default for guest users.
That's all good, that was what I was concerned about.
Bypass posting/commenting throttling. (This includes new user ban and general throttling)
This Bypass isn't working, I noticed it for me after I had created an account a few weeks ago, and tested on my manager just then, and not allowing the restriction to be bypassed.
When switching to Mobile Site, there should be a link back to the Full Site replacing Mobile Site link but there isn't.I've noticed that this is also the case with OzBargain.
Due to the media query, the "Full Site" link only appears on mobile screen.
Yeah that appears to be a bug but because your account was flagged to bypass certain checks.
Oh, I was referring to the time. That screenshot was taken today.
I set the bypass originally to post some more deals start of October, but I mentioned above that the flag didn't work anyway.
Also just noticed files.choicecheapies is using the old favicon.That's fixed now.
Cool, thanks.
Badges aren't working?I got my first newsletter today. Not sure why it wasn't coming through in the past.
Some database issues that got fixed yesterday. It appears that you just need to "Save" again on the newsletter subscription page to fix it.
Trying to get the newsletter, but unsure how I can do this?
Yeah the newsletter didn't seem to have been sent to you. I've re-saved your newsletter preference — let's see whether you are receiving it tomorrow.
Well hello there. Why didnt anyone tell me about OZB in NZ :)
You should aim world next scotty. Ive got some interesting domains if you ever decide :)
Welcome EC, I think you just + voted every deal there is!
Feel free to post as many deals as you like too, the more the merrier!
Feel free to post as many deals as you like too, the more the merrier!
Trying but its limiting me as a new user. Any way you can modify my accouct to take away the new user limitations
Give it a go now, and let us know here if you can't post.
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Scotty, do you want bugs reported here or their own thread?