OzBargain 10 Sales Event

Hey Cheapos,

Just thought I'd inform those that aren't aware that our cuzzy site in Aus, OzBargain, are having their 10th year anniversary sales event next week.

A number of the retailers will ship to NZ, so feel free to check out what's on offer. A handful of early posts, but expecting to see plenty more come Monday midday.

Check it out here!


  • GearBest deals look good, will try and grab a raspberry Pi

    • Yea, lots of complainers though, typical Aussies aye haha

  • I wish some of the ozbargain specific dell and lenovo offers would be available to NZ too.

    • Could always make contact with them in NZ and see what they say? I think a lot of the deals are in conjunction with the eBay deals too though, which aren't necessarily at the choice of those companies.

  • Ordered a Rasberry Pi from Gearbest and thought I'd got it for $10. Now looking at PayPal I got charged $70. PM'd the rep asking for a refund, otherwise I'm going to do a Paypal dispute.

    • Probably be quite a few refunds to work through, Becky is pretty good at dealing with that stuff.

      • Went on the live chat and got it refunded instantly :)

        • Oh sweet, most of those retailers are pretty good before stuff ships.

    • Same thing nearly happened to me, what a mess. A better way to do it would have been to have a special product listing for each item at the special price, with only the number of items that they want to sell at the special price 'in stock'. That would mean that no one would be able to buy it after it goes out of stock, and no one would have to stuff around with coupon codes etc.

  • Going to have ago getting a Mr Bean Teddy Bear, there are 100 in stock so I should be able to get one.

    • Should get one of those. Just remember to follow what I wrote in the OP:

      Mod: For anyone purchasing any of the below items, you do not have to complete checkout to get the item at the coupon price. If you add the item to your cart, apply the coupon code, and then follow the rest of the checkout process, you can pause at the point of payment (Paypal?). Confirm the Paypal amount and check your email or GearBest account after this to confirm whether you received the item at the $10 price. Times are also AEDT just to clarify that.

      • Yeah, I clicked on 'Checkout with PayPal' last time and PayPal said it cost $10. This time I'll be sure to checkout normally.

        • I think you can still use the Checkout with Paypal, but just before submitting the payment via Paypal, check your GB account orders page, or your email.

        • @Shaw: That's right, you can pay with PayPal and not checkout with Paypal.

        • @ClipIt:

          Ahh I see now, so the problems all along have been with the "Checkout With Paypal" button? Orders placed without that were showing the correct (Discounted or full price) amount?

        • @Shaw: I think so, though I haven't ordered anything through the normal checkout.

        • @ClipIt:

          Ok sweet, that makes it a bit easier to advise people on then. Makes sense that the information is being passed to Paypal wrong, but still can't figure out why people are being charged more than the authorised amount rather than receiving an error.

      • Got one! And for $1.51 NZD

        • Sweet! Was that using the standard checkout?

        • @Shaw: Yup, but payed with PayPal.

        • @ClipIt:

          Nice, hopefully the quality is alright.

        • @Shaw: Don't mind if it's not, it's only $1!!

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