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33-75% off All Origin Games


No code required most games 50% off and DLC but the newest ones bf1 & titanfall 2 only 33% off stingy EA heres some examples;

Star Wars Battlefront $20 50% off
Command & Conquer The Ultimate Collection is alright for $7 has most of the games and dlc with the best RTS unless you have a cray3 to play Ashes of the Singularity
Tomb raider $7.5 75% off zzz
Battlefield 4 $10 50% off Battlefield 4 premium $15 60% off and play with me

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    You can use the code TITAN20 at checkout for an extra 20% off titanfall - which makes it a great deal :)

    • -2

      ye they singy its $53.32 for titanfall2 20% off discounted price but wp stunt

  • Off topic, but Ashes of the Singularity looks alright, dodgy release tactics though.

    • ye its pretty fun if you have like 4+ hours to kill for one game and you better pray the guy your playing against has something more powerful than a potato because you will enjoy the most infuriating lag ever.

  • +2

    Can't believe you didn't mention BF1. It's $66. Great game.

    • -2

      i did only 33% off though, great game? Ye i guess if grandad wants to play something. I hear its as good as it is historically accurate aka bf4>bf1

      • They are almost completely different games, as in the way they are meant to be play, mechanics, what ever you want to call it. I think it's a bit unfair comparing them. I have heard bf4>bf1 also, although, it is the size of the battles that I find make battlefield good. Therefor, I'd recommend BF1 (larger player base atm)

        • -3

          your right bf4 is good bf1 is bad we agree!

        • @kyle: Not exactly what I meant.

    • BF1 is $68 on Kinguin, so not that big of a saving there.

  • +2

    Great price for BF1! Btw, Starwars Battlefront is cheaper @ EB games for $18. But still good deal regardless. Cheers for that.

    • +1

      BF1 has been that price since release from other sites(ie GreenManGaming), roughly $66NZD. Amazon germany/france have it for 40euro(~$60) right now.

      • Ah, thanks. Didn't know, haven't play games for a long time now haha

      • You can get it for $42 using vpn.

        • asia/ russia/ eu copy? I THINK it's one of them games where you'd also have to play online using the vpn though, and your account would have to be registered as from that country, ie, you'd need to make a new account using vpn :p I may be incorrect though

        • @Rowjo: na you just activate the account or purchase the game with vpn you don't have to maintain it

        • @kyle: I knew that was the case for rust, csgo and a few others, but after MGS5 I thought a lot of producers were not allowing their games to be played outside regions of origin

        • @Rowjo: na works with most of them steam is the actual hard one now it used to be easy to bypass with a vpn now you need a different paypal addy i haven't tried with visa direct though.

        • @kyle: I just buy my asia/cis/ru copies on g2a

        • @Rowjo: nah you can just purchase it from origin, by using vpn, you can get them cheaper locally. I bought BF1 for $42 on Singapore origin via vpn this afternoon. EA has not been known for banning accta for buying from other region.

        • @Kappa123: Thanks :)

        • @Rowjo: Well ye you can but normally it can be significantly cheaper when steam has their sales to purchase direct

        • @Kappa123: Nice $42 is a good price

  • +1

    The division is only $23.60 NZD delivered via amazon. PC, PS4, XBOX ONE versions. =)

    • that's pretty good if you still play consoles its not a bad game

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