Child of Eden is a rhythm action game created by Tetsuya Mizuguchi, best known for Rez, developed by Q Entertainment and published by Ubisoft. The game announcement opened Ubisoft's pre- E3 2010 press conference and was one of the first titles shown with support for Xbox 360 's Kinect peripheral. The game serves as a prequel to Mizuguchi's earlier game Rez and sees players shoot at various targets which produce melodic sounds upon destruction. It was developed for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and is compatible with Microsoft's Kinect, PlayStation Move and standard controllers for both consoles. In April 2011, Mizuguchi announced that he had developed a unique corset peripheral for the game, which featured four controllers, all of which vibrated to the game's music. The new device is currently only available in Q Entertainment studios, and is unlikely to see a retail release.