From this [[wp>One_deal_a_day|Wikipedia entry]]: > **One deal a day** is a web-based business model in which a single type of product is offered for sale for a period of 24 hours. Certain sites sell items uniquely by this method. Other established retailers, such as and feature a "deal a day" item in addition to more conventional sales methods. This page will list One deal a day sites in New Zealand. Most of these sites have had deals featured on ChoiceCheapies in the past. If you see a great deal please [[|submit it]]! ====== List of One Deal A Day Sites ====== ===== Dedicated Sites ===== ^ Site ^ Starting Time ^ | [[|1-Day]] | 12pm NZST | | [[|Crazy Sales]] | 12pm NZST | | [[|Deals 4 Kiwis]] | Varies | | [[|Good Price]] | Varies | | [[ nz/|Groupon]] | Varies | | [[| Grab One]] | Varies | | [[|Go Grab]] | 12:30pm NZST | | [[|Off The Back]] | 6:18pm NZST?? | | [[|one dollar]] | 12:30pm NZST | | [[|Treasure Box]] | 12:30pm NZST | | [[|Free Deals]] | 12:30pm NZST | | [[|Off The Back]] | 6:30am NZST | | [[|Deal a Day]] | Varies | | [[|Daily Do]] | Varies | ===== Retail Sites Offering Daily Deals ===== ^ Site ^ Name ^ Starting Time ^ | [[|The Warehouse]] |Red Alert Deals| 10am NZST | | [[|Fishpond]] | Today's Deals | 8am NZST | | [[|Mighty Ape]] | Daily Deals | 12pm NZST | | [[| Expedia]] | Daily Deals | 12am NZST | | [[|Liquor Mart]] | Daily Deals | 12pm NZST | ===== One Deal a Day Aggregator Sites ===== ^ Site ^ | [[|One Day Deals]] | | [[|Love One Day Sales]] | | [[|The Sniff]] | | [[|Price Me Deals]] | | [[|Deal Sucker NZ]] | | [[|Deal Works]] |