Classifieds are strictly for personal use between members only. If you are a business and you have a good bargain to promote, please post them as deals.
No referral solicitation or offering personal services/purchasing on behalf of others. This also includes reselling items with the intent of making profit (including gift cards, credit card statement offers). Gift cards in large quantities, amounts or repeatedly listed by the same poster are not permitted.
Please be descriptive about the item in question, in the same way that you would have listed them on Please include the price, detailed description and condition of the item, location of the item, payment and delivery methods and other helpful information.
Feel free to use the File Uploader to upload images of your items and then use the link in the URL field. You can do so by clicking on 'My Account' on the top menu, then 'files' in the second level menu.
Update your post if you are no longer seeking buyers or sellers - for example, once the item has been sold, please mark your item as sold. There is 'mark as…' link for every type of classified post.
If your listed item is still available after 1 month, you may repost the same item again. If the same item is posted within 1 month, even if the price has been updated, the second post will be unpublished as a duplicate.
Note that classifieds listings are automatically marked as 'expired' after 60 days if they have not been sold/swapped/found.
Users are limited to 1 classified post every 24 hours or 2 classifieds posts every 7 days.
ChoiceCheapies does not protect the seller nor the buyer but just acts as a market place so please beware the potential risk dealing with other members here.
ChoiceCheapies takes no responsibility for the condition of physical goods, failed deliveries or financial transactions, and will not be involved in any disputes that occur.
ChoiceCheapies is a website for bargain hunters with a savvy user base. It may be more profitable to just sell your item on TradeMe.