Yes, you can. You will need to register first.
Unlike other online communities/forums, at ChoiceCheapies we encourage merchants, service providers or store owners to post their specials on ChoiceCheapies. The reason is simple – if it is a good bargain, we want to know about it! However, there are a few points that a merchant may wish to consider.
General advertising without any specific offers will generally be received poorly. Listing item(s) that are cheaper than your competition is a plus.
ChoiceCheapies is a free service for everyone. There is no charge for anyone to post, vote or comment.
Posting limits were introduced because some vendors were trying to post too many deals at once. Some members voted against these merchants, regardless of the deal posted. Other members posted complaints against the vendor in the vendor's posts as well as with the moderators.
ChoiceCheapies is a bargain sharing community, and it is not a place for advertisements unless you have a special offer for our members. Automated or mass postings do not offer our members any value and are likely to bring negative feedback to your company which may result in the store being banned.
There are a few reasons why a store is banned. When posting a deal you will receive an error message saying “Posting deals from <your store's domain> has been banned…”. Some reasons for being banned are:
For a more detailed explanation on why an account is unable to post deals, see help on posting ban.
You can not remove the deal yourself. Please hit the report button and a moderator will assess your request. In most cases we do not remove deals especially if the deal is popular or if the deal has important value regarding discussions. By posting on ChoiceCheapies, you must accept that you will receive both positive and negative comments.
For further issues, please open a new thread on the Talk with a Moderator forum and discuss why you would want to have your deal removed, even after reading the above FAQ item. Moderators will assess on a case by case basis to determine whether the posted deal should be removed.
Please click the EXPIRE button located beneath the description of the deal. A red expired notice will appear in the title and the description will be greyed out.
We do not allow individuals to hold multiple ChoiceCheapies accounts. Merchants who sign up for multiple accounts for different purposes will trigger our sockpuppeting and ghost account detection, which then may result in the store being banned.
We do not allow multiple accounts per individual, as per our Terms of Use. However, you can be a store representative for more than one store per ChoiceCheapies account. Please contact the moderators if you want to have your account officially linked to one or more stores.
ChoiceCheapies has closed all direct advertising on display banners. If you wish to advertise on ChoiceCheapies's display ads space, you can target ChoiceCheapies on Google Adwords.
Do not vote on deals where you have some relationship with the business or if you are a competitor.
You can put in supportive comments which highlight the benefits of a deal, provided you fully disclose your relationship with the business.