Supercheap Auto is offering a Hydraulic Trolley Jack (1400kg) for $34.79, down from the normal price of $74.97 and beats the cheapest ever price by 21c more than 2 years ago
The jack is on sale on the Australian site for $23.95( (NZ Tax!) but there are a bunch of mixed reviews. Seems to be a good cheap jack but may not work well for certain cars so keep note of the working height. Other retailers sell jacks for quite a bit more.
- Working height range: 140 - 335mm
- Meets standard AS/NZS 2615:2004
Good advice from Avantime:
Make sure that the jack actually jacks up your car before buying, These cheap small jacks rarely lift high enough to be of any use.
The stores usually have a display model so insist on a try (Find your car's central jackpoint before you go to the shop) before you buy.
So best to use this to jack the car up and then put stands on it.
I got a trolley jack from Repco for $49 (was 50% off or something) rated at 1650kg. Decent height and build quality's pretty good. I would recommend that over this. It's on sale( but comes bundled with the stands. Not sure what the regular price is for the stand but the jack by itself is $100+ from memory?. This isn't the cheapest but it's very decent.
I personally wouldn't go under with that SCA jack but you shouldn't with any jack anyway. Always put it on stands.