• expired

Raspberry Pi Model 3 B Motherboard $29.99 USD [NZ $45] [Free DHL Express/Fedex International Priority] @ Arrow


This is a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, came down to NZ$44.93 through a BNZ Visa Card incl. FedEx International Priority.For some reason, the estimated delivery date as per email is 11/06/2017 but I'll probably receive another email when it's shipped.

There's an option to grab a free RasPi3 [1000 limit]

Cheapest as per PriceSpy(pricespy.co.nz) is NZ$67

Thanks to @bindassever on OzBargain(ozbargain.com.au)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    @hsran, the estimated delivery date you mentioned probably means 6th November 2017, as dates written in American style is "month/day/year" format.

  • This is pretty tempting although I'm not sure what I'd use another one for, I've already got 2x Pi 1Bs doing various jobs around the house.

    • What are you using it for?

      • +1

        First one is in my 7 month old daughter's room with speakers connected playing white noise.
        Second one has an RTL433 tuner attached reading signals from a weather station, power monitor and UPS sending stats to InfluxDB to be graphed on Grafana & publishing the weather data to Weather Underground.

        • can you provide any more info about the white noise set up? Im interested

        • @Kendo: id assume its hook the raspberry pi to a speaker and loop a white noise mp3 file or something like that so it could just constantly play it through the speakers

        • @Kendo: @tomo's correct, it just plays a bunch of queued up mp3s in a loop. I set it up 8 months ago so my memory's a bit fuzzy but I think I used mopidy and just set it to auto start playing on boot. It don't have it connected to the network so I can't check it at the moment unfortunately.

        • @Kendo: I have an an old android phone with chroma doze app playing. Recommend.

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