This was posted 6 years ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Half Price on Every Item at Briscoes


Stock up those bin liners, soda stream refills and AA batteries. This is a decent deal from Briscoes for 3 days ( includes brands like Joseph & Joseph, Oxo which rarely go 50%)

For three days at Briscoes there's 1/2 price off absolutely EVERYTHING! From bedroom to bathroom, kitchen to electrical. Get 1/2 price off the entire store! Every aisle, every category, 1/2 price! Come in store or shop online now, ends Sunday!

For free shipping use RRRFW72

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closed Comments

  • any free shipping codes?

  • +11

    Free shipping:

    • Awesome

  • +2

    Anything specifically a great deal? I don't know as they always seem to be having sales so I think the sale price is the normal price.

    • If you refer to the last half-price-off-everything-sale link below in January, it might give you some ideas:

      So yeah, only great for items not normally on sale. But for most items, some get like 70% off on certain weekends lol.

  • +5

    I'm surprised that what Briscoes is doing is still allowed. Selling items way above retail price and basically mark it down to normal price with ‘’HUGE SAVINGS ON THE ENTIRE STORE’’.
    Don’t get me wrong, you can definitely find some good stuff for cheap but 90% of those ‘’discounts’’ is just a scam in my opinion.

    • Unfortunately they (including Farmers) have been doing this so much that it has become normal in NZ :)

  • +1

    I have about 6 old orders in my history.
    Nothing is cheaper than my previous items. :/ Another BS sale.

    • This is awesome

    • What a godly website! Thanks dude

  • I just bought the Nutribullet 1200. They never go beyond 40% except the last time back in January when they did 50%.

  • +4

    Have to say there's some real negative comments in here. Yes if this was another of their weekly 30% off sales then you'd be right. But 50% off EVERYTHING in store is a genuine sale in my view.

    Yes sheets and towels and many other items are often 60% off. But the original poster is correct when they say this sale covers brands and items that rarely exceed 30% discount.

    Go get those CR2032 coin batteries for your kitchen scales, heart rate monitor and tyre pressure checker. You likely won't find cheaper genuine Energizers that aren't near expiry anywhere else in NZ. I got 4 for $7.50 in their January sale. (I've tried cheap ones, they are junk).

    I got my mother a new Brabantia rubbish bin at 50% off just after Xmas and I like it so much I've been watching for a sale to get myself one. Yes the original price is inflated but once again at 50% off I don't think you'll find cheaper than this weekend's sale price. The bin liners (also mentioned by the original poster) are cheaper than anywhere else too - I got my mum a years supply.

    Another item that is rarely more than 30% off are the black onyx coloured bathroom accessories. I had to get my mum a free standing toilet roll holder when she had a hip operation as she couldn't bend and twist to the wall mounted one. It's one of the nicer ones I've found and again doesn't usually exceed the 'regular' 30% off.

    If you always buy sheets and towels then this sale probably doesn't make things cheaper for you. But it's certainly not 'another BS sale'.

    • Good deal on Brabantia bins

    • There is definitely some good discount out there but I don’t like there business model.
      Mentioning that something is 50% off is on paper maybe true (because there original price is just ridicules high), but if other stores list the same item for just a little above there ‘’HUGE’’ discounted price I will call it false advertising.
      There whole business model is wrong, making fake retail prices to create massive discount. The only reason why they do that is to give customers the feeling that they save lots on there purchase.
      That some products turn out to be cheaper with the 50% discounts is nice but I rather support a company that has consistent low prices (even if I end up spending more in some occasions). I just don't like there way of doing business.

      • I agree with you for the most part. I wish there will be a world where there is a consistent low price in a shop which also has good quality.

        But this pricing model is the reflection of huge monopoly in NZ and sites like Pricespy and Cheapies are doing an amazing job to help the consumer make a better choice. There are many instances where I just watched helplessly how unreasonable things are in NZ. For instance have you shopped a Mattress in NZ? (I really want to believe that there are some Gold mines beneath the $6000 mattress they are selling ;-) - you cannot pricespy Sealy because they have a mattress mafia who escape the normal consumer guidelines) and Did you shopped in Countdown the day before XMAS? There won't be a single yellow sticker in the whole shop. You pay the usual exorbitant price for the things which you can't postpone buying. I really feel for those who work hard and struggle to make it everyday let alone XMAS (Not many of these people follow pricespy & cheapies). The best we can do is be smart and pick things which makes sense in the middle of these chaotic promotions.

        Sorry for the long rant - basically this will be a good deal for those like me who bought things like Brabantia bins and want liners for a cheap price which don't usually come under promotion. Also good quality products like OXO and Joseph won't come cheap in other stores - Briscoes & Stevens in my personal opinion has good quality products compared to Kmart , Warehouse, etc.. which lasts longer and gives you value for money in a long run.

        • You're wrong about Countdown. At least over the past few years, their weekly sales continue right up to Christmas eve. Actually they last beyond that. Even if Christmas eve is Sunday, their sale will continue perhaps to Wednesday or even the next weekend. (Because of New Year, their sale periods continue to be weird right until a week or so after New Year.) I suspect this is probably in part because during public holidays, they don't want to be bothered getting someone to pull down the stickers and put up new ones in each store and also because neither them nor the suppliers want to be reclaiming unsold promotional stock and stacking new promotional stock,

          Of course, at least in the Auckland area Countdown prices on a lot of items are fairly bad compared to Pak'n'Save.

    • Thank you. You pretty much spoke my mind :)

    • CR2032 get 10 for $2 at $2 shop. Check Kmart the Bins are great at a lot less plus bathroom accessories.

      • You're deliberately trolling.

  • i would rather shop at k-mart

    • +1

      I agree :)

  • +1

    Oral B Pro 2000 for $90 you won't find cheaper anywhere else.

    • amazon.

      • Link

        • set a price watch on 3camel for the once you want. i think i paid about nz45 for a ob3000. used a nz charger that i already had since over seas models voltage depends on coutry purchased from.

      • I meant for NZ stock, with NZ warranty and correct plug. Also the one at Briscoes has the new lithium ion batteries, whereas older stock and possibly some older stock from overseas stores might have NiMH batteries.

        I did buy mine from Amazon UK over a year ago ended up being 2 for $150 delivered, but I did have an NZ oral B charger anyway so I could use that instead of UK one. But if it was $90 here I would have possibly spent the $15 more for NZ one.

        • haha yeah. ive got one going thats got a eneloop aa soldered into it since the old nimh died. its a beast now way better than the stock battery… i havn't tried a lion but I am not sold on the idea as there recharge cycle is lower that a nimh

          • @wearnes: Haha so you did some battery surgery on your oral b.

            My previous Oral B was the pro 5000 with older nimh battery. I replaced maybe somewhere after 2 years. It still technically goes, but the battery doesn't hold charge like it used to, biggest problem was I had to start charging every day for max speed of brush. Even after full charge after a few minutes brushing you could hear it start to slow down.

            The new lithium ion batteries has a much larger gap between needing to charge, and it maintains brush speed until it needs a recharge, whereas nimh would slowly get weaker brush speed even when battery was more than half full.

  • Looked up a couple coffee machines and price was higher than normal after 50% off.
    Higher than normal price one year ago on pricespy even.

    • Kiwi dollar weaker now than last year perhaps. And it is going to get weaker…

  • +4

    50% off a Sunbeam espresso machine for $249!!!

    Oh wait it's $249 at JBhifi without a sale.

    Classic Briscoes "sales".

  • Just be careful I use to think 50% was a good deal but they sometimes have 75% off on specific products throughout the year which is actually their real value. Especially their frying pans. Horribly overpriced and actually cheap quality.

  • Thanks! Got 2 American tourist suitcases. Seems cheap..

  • I bought a Nespresso citiz & milk at the last half price sale, thought it was a pretty good deal! Added bonus - Nespresso was also doing $40 cash-back and $40 coffee credit at the time.

  • Came across a few things still full price (not clearance things):
    Sodastream Diet Cola
    UR1 Life Bordered Photo Frame Black 11x14
    Maxwell & Williams Bamboozled 30.5cm Mixing Spoon
    Tablekraft Melrose Soup Spoon
    Scanpan Steel & Copper Cleaner 120ml
    Zip Elegance 3 piece Cookware Set

  • I don't understand how Briscoes has not been raked thru the coals of the Commerce Commission for their shit.

    Same for Farmers, (profanity) both of them.

    • Almost every retailer is doing this to some extent. The whiteware at The Warehouse for example. They are doing this because the law allows them to. They just have to follow certain "guidelines" on how to make their higher prices look like their normal prices.

    • I bet they operate at the very edge of consumer law.

  • Sodastream 60L Brand New cans is a pretty good deal when you price beat at Mitre 10. Comes out to be around $25.60 which is cheaper than a refill. Pretty good deal if anyone is looking to have spares.

    • What cans are you talking about the 29.99?

      • Yes

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