This was posted 5 years 7 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

95c off/L Per Month for The Next 6 Months with AA Smartfuel & ASB Credit Card


ASB have a couple of credit card offers based on AA Smartfuel:

Bonus 95c per litre
Open a new ASB Visa Platinum Rewards credit card and get a bonus 95c off a litre of fuel once in each month for the next six months when you spend on your new ASB Visa credit card. Make sure you're an AA Smartfuel member, and then switch your rewards to AA Smartfuel. Terms and conditions apply. Redeemable at participating BP and G.A.S. stations. Offer ends 31st October.**

Bonus 50c per litre
Open a new ASB Visa Rewards credit card and get a bonus 50c off a litre of fuel once in each month for the next six months when you spend on your new ASB Visa credit card. Make sure you're an AA Smartfuel member, and then switch your rewards to AA Smartfuel. Terms and conditions apply. Redeemable at participating BP and G.A.S. stations. Offer ends 31st October.***

Since AA Smartfuel discounts don't expire until the following month, you can get $1.90 off/L every second month. Also the minimum spend is only 1c in order to get the 95c off/L for that month.

Based of Visa Platinum Card:
Cost: $40 half year annual fee (if you can cancel the card in time); 6c (1c per month)
Offer: 95c x 50 x 6 = $285 (if you fill up exactly 50L)
Overall Profit: 285-40-0.06 = $244.94

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Bloody good effort @Penguin! THIS is a why I love ChoiceCheapies <3

  • Superb. I'd just caution that those are the maximum savings you might make. Reality might be much less.

    I can only ever fit around 40 litres in my 1.8L Corolla and that's after driving 50km with the petrol light on. And BP pump prices are usually higher than say Gull or whoever happens to be having a special on that day.

    Appreciate many people have larger cars and will use BP or similar anyway - calculations seem spot on for them. But I'm in Auckland and there are enough Gull stations and enough specials around that I never need to pay the higher prices. I'd be paying more per litre up front at BP in order to obtain the discount.

    Still comes out on top of course but not the full 95c.

    I think for me the I might come out $150 on top over 6 months, not the $244. Still good, just more realistic for a lot of us.

    • BP usually price match gull if they are close or discount to some extent. You still get the 6 cent discount they offer. According to Gaspy BP Whenuapai is 207.9 pump price but 201.9 with the everyday 6 cent discount. Gull is 207.7. So even without this deal BP is cheaper. Not all BP's price match to that extent, but if you use gaspy and don't need to travel out of your way BP can be a better option

      • +1

        I do use Gaspy, and I never end up at a BP. Maybe just the area I live.

    • Get a fuel container, which you should already have if you own a petrol-powered lawnmower or garden tools. And go to a BP that's next to a Gull. (e.g. New Lynn)

  • -1

    Any bankers or finance workers know how credit ratings work in NZ? I mean how easy is it to get a credit card in NZ, for the purposes of this deal?

    I already have an ASB one but that's from decades ago. I spend a grand a month on it and pay it off each month. But my application for a Warehouse Money card was rejected, presumably because I'd not long been back in the country after a long spell overseas.

    Been back 5-6 years but I'm in between jobs right now and don't want to be applying for cards if they'll reject me because of that. I don't want more 'black mark' rejections appearing on my credit history.

    I have a healthy savings balance, I have no debt, not claiming any benefits or welfare and I pay everything on time. So I'm a good risk in reality. But my utilities are paid by the landlords and my phone/internet are both prepay so I guess I don't really have any credit history except that ASB card and that didn't seem to help when I applied for the Warehouse card some years ago.

    Sometimes computer just says no :-)

    Any thoughts?

    • -1

      You're a pretty big risk if you have no income - the bank can't tell if those savings are actually yours or not and you could blow it all at any time. I don't think anyone would give you a card if you declare you have no income - not a decent card anyway.

      • -2

        If you say so. Anyone who has a job could quit at any time too, similar to if I were to spend all my savings as you suggest could happen. Having a job at any one moment is no guarantee of having a job the following week.

        • Credit card companies need to know that you will be able to pay them back without them going through hoops trying to get you to pay it back (aka baycorp). As you have no source of income, they will not willingly go into business with you.

          If you have some savings saved up, why do you need credit.

          If you absolutely want some type of credit history get a mobile data monthly plan you pay via credit, if you think this would matter to the bankers (it won't) easy.

        • It's incredibly obvious that if you have no income then you're a credit risk. It's not normal to just quit your job for no reason, it's very normal to save up for a car etc then spend all your savings on it. Not to mention, how do they know that money is actually yours? If you think you know best then go and apply for credit and see how that works out.

          And FYI, this credit card has a minimum income requirement of $50,000 per year.

          • @Steven89: Is the minimum income requirement for the ASB Visa Platinum Rewards credit card or the ASB Visa Rewards credit card? Where did you find these information?

            • @bilberry: Sorry should have specified it's for the Platinum. Don't know if there's a minimum for the normal one.

    • +1

      I can see that you are not working by looking at this long comment :)

  • +1

    @choc squiggle

    I can only ever fit around 40 litres in my 1.8L Corolla

    I used to have a Corolla with a around a 40 litre tank and the way I bought a 10L petrol container exactly for this reason. Should pay itself off on the first fill up.

    Otherwise another alternative is you can ask a friend to meet you at the petrol station to grab 10 litres free petrol (assuming you can rack up 2$ in 2 months).

    • Genius! The 10L can top up my motorbike at home :-)

      I think the terms and conditions generally state 1 vehicle only, at least I think I remember reading that some years ago. But I like container idea.

      • +1

        I saw a guy with 5 petrol cans at Caltex once.

  • While this is good for the bonus. If you're looking at asb cards your better off staying on true rewards. Maybe change to that after the 6 months of bonus

  • -1

    I think it says you earn 1c off for every 50 dollars spent max 95c per month?

    • +1

      Wrong-read the offer again!!

  • +4

    is existing asb credit card holder getting this bonus?

    • +1

      Unfortunately not, but I don’t see any cooling off period either so maybe you could cancel and reapply?

  • -3

    Not a good offer if you use a car regularly. My AA Smartfuel bal is $1.55 cpl (30 cpl more to earn this month) and I'm due to redeem it this month. Petrol is around $2.179 per litre. So even if I were to get 95cpl each month, they will just go to waste as I only need 33cpl to get free petrol. So no profit for me unfortunately.

    • You can always get a second card.

  • Recently I’ve applied and got a few credit cards. I checked my credit score on Credit Simple and noticed that my score has gone down rapidly even if I paid the credit card regularly/ haven’t used certain cards at all. Do you guys think that having too many credit cards directly impact on the credit score?

    • I've read about this somewhere, maybe it does.

    • Every time you apply a credit card they do credit check on you. Every time a credit check is done against you, your credit score will go down. However if you pay your bills on time, the score should come back slowly.

    • One time I paid my balance early so had a balance of $0 at the end of the month. This made my credit score drop significantly.
      Just make at least 1 purchase on all cards to prevent this.

      • Exactly why you should ignore your "credit score" and instead focus on your credit report.

        Your credit report (the thing banks will check) will not be significantly worse if you pay your balance before the statement date.

  • Shame, I've only got an EV atm.

  • +1

    I'll stick to not having a credit card, best try and stay away from debt, otherwise good deal for those who wish to use it.

    • +1

      You should definitely do some sums before you write it off. Mine is a goldmine.

    • +1

      You do have to be rather organised with credit cards, but if used correctly and paid off at the end of the month, you could get back of money and perks.

  • are you able to link 2 ASB cards to 1 AA SmartFuel?

    Say you and your partner/family member each signs up to ASB credit card, spends atleast 1C to get the deal, would you get $1.90 OFF 50L of fuel?

    and with the equation above, you get $244.94 * 2 = $489.88 total discount?

    Has anyone tried this?

    • Not sure if you can link 2 ASB cards to 1 AA SmartFuel. Although if you link the 2 x AA SmartFuel cards (which are linked to the 2 respective ASB cards), it should give you $1.90pl/month.

  • Has anyone received the Smartfuel credit? Do they apply it the Tuesday after you spend or the Tuesday after your first statement?

    • I'm still waiting for mine to come through as well. Made purchases last week, but didn't receive anything this Tuesday…

  • +4

    Still haven't received the 95c, contacted ASB and this was their response:

    'To be eligible for 0.95 cents AA Samartfuel promotion you must spend $500.00 from the first to the last day of the single month, and the bonus will get paid out the FOLLOWING MONTH on the 25th day for the next six months.'

    I responded saying that this is not what it states in the t&cs as per:

    Waiting for them to get back to me now…

    • If the AA Smartfuel is not earned till after the statement date does that mean to get the 6th month you will need to keep the card active and pay another card fee?

      • Yeah i guess you're right about the 6th month…which is kind of annoying….

        Got a response from them (copy and pasted below):

        'Customers that have opened a new Visa Rewards or Visa Platinum Rewards credit card as part of the AA Smartfuel campaign and met the eligibility criteria – will only receive their bonus discounts by the second week of the following month for up to six months.

        For example – if the customer opened a new Visa Rewards credit card in September, switched to AA Smartfuel and completed an eligible transaction, they would receive their bonus 50 cent discount by the second week of October.'

        So hopefully something should come through tomorrow

        • Anything?

          • @Penguin: Nope it still didnt come through… gave them a call yesterday to ask again. They said it should be loaded by the end of this week….

            If I knew it was this troublesome I wouldn't have signed up for the card.

            Bloody hell ASB…

        • I shouldn't have waited until the beginning of this month to apply if I knew 😂

          • @Penguin: dam lol, yeah that's a bit annoying…. ASB weren't very clear on this one

            • @genesis: Absolutely. Cunning pricks from ASB. Apparently they mean the calendar month and not the statement month.
              If I got my card for ex on the 30th of August and i dont make a purchase before the 31st, I wont get the 95 cents off in September.

              They've delieberately worded it as "Months" and not statement month or calendar month to interpret it to their benefit.

              • @Encounter Ekambaram: Cunning pricks indeed! Oh well, it's $47.50 saving a month on fuel. I'm likely going to cancel the card once the free 95c for 6 months finishes.

                • @genesis: Could be worth asking ASB about this because my understanding is you activate your card when you make your first purchase. So September might be the first month.

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