Free Birds Eye Deli Chips, Wedges and Roast RRP $4.79
Just print your voucher and display at supermarket.
Free Birds Eye Deli Chips, Wedges and Roast RRP $4.79
Just print your voucher and display at supermarket.
Dunno i just tried it, worked.
Closed the old tab and clicked this deal link again, rather than refreshing/hitting back.
email+freefood1@…, email+freefood2@… seems to work okay
That, and other ways.
Which supermarket(s)?
Saw them in Countdown before. Not sure about Pak'n Save and New World.
Sweet off to countdown tmrw then. I'm betting this will sell out bc it was posted on vic deals Facebook page and the students are gonna be all over this.
Let us know if you have to pack into the front row to grab a bag bro, good luck!
@Shaw: they have lots @ countdown newtown, but i only saw 3 flavors of frozen chips/wedges, no roast vege option
On the voucher it sates:
… can be redeemed at any supermarket in New Zealand.
Wow nice find OP!! Thanks for sharing this :)
Deserving of top post for the month unless we see some cashback deals :)
Definitely, excellent first post. I can imagine on OzBargain, this would have thousands of clicks and probably be expired by the morning, here, we get to enjoy them a bit longer :)
Don't forget your sour creams and sauces :P
Waiting for a deal on it, otherwise going dry!
yes! love these wedges!
Confirming that New World do stock these.
I think this is gonna get abused. It seems from the above posts there is nothing stoping you requesting multiple vouchers using the same ip address. Also when i was at the supermarket there was no check of the unique code meaning you could potentially print multiple copies of the same voucher.
They should of tied it into your drivers licence id and added ip logging or something.
This has been the case for all of the previous vouchers as well, and haven't had any issues with those.
I think I'm going to run out of email addresses to create for this.
May as well, they put no restrictions on it!
Do you cook them in your air fryer? How do they come out?
Get a disposable Email address, like Yopmail.
Yes! Air Fryer + Frozen Wedges = TASTY!
Actually got some right now with the siblings! Yum!
No longer working, deal must have expired.
We're sorry…
but this campaign is not currently active.
Must have had a number limit.
Have expired.
Didn't think this would last :D I got 5 vouchers (2 cashed in) and my GF got 1.
Sweet, enjoy!
I wonder if they will re-enable it at some point.
the regular chips are nicer than the wedges.
Yea, the wedges were just alright.
Haven't tried the roast cut ones yet.
what is the "roast cut" is that like roast vege style cuts of potato, they only have regular chips + wedges at the local countdown.
Yea, they have the chips, wedges, and roasts at my countdown, basically it's just quartered spuds, these ones(
Very nice deal!
Just FYI, if you try to request more than one with a single email address you will receive: