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Zip Spend & Save 💯
$30 Off $99 coupon - The biggest coupon price discount off $99 we've ever had!
Minimum spend $99 (excludes shipping and alcohol).
One time use only.
💰 Earn 3% Cashback via ShopRewards(
Don't get your hopes up, I have pending with ShopRewards since 29 Dec 2019.
Sorry for taking so long to confirm the cashback.
We've been following up with TheMarket.
FYI. We just received a reply from TheMarket today.
"Apologise for the inconvenient to your members, if you can advise your members that we have issues linking to our payment systems for months that has been causing this delay"
This issue has just been resolved this week.
Please give TheMarket some time to verify and reconcile all transactions.
Once we've received the verified transactions from TheMarket, we promised to process the cashback immediately.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
The link when using shoprewards to goto The market doesn't work "server not found"
Pretty crap.
@Huntakillaz: Hi,
just tested. It works fine.
Our website monitoring tool shows nothing wrong at our site.
Probably, there was issue at TheMarket site?
Still nothing from my "TheMarket NZ" or "AliExpress" rewards
Stores Cashback
Date Reference ID Store Cashback Status
12 Mar 2020 ******* AliExpress $0.06 pending
12 Mar 2020 ******* AliExpress $0.55 pending
12 Mar 2020 ******* AliExpress $0.11 pending
12 Mar 2020 ******* AliExpress $7.99 pending
29 Dec 2019 ******* TheMarket NZ $2.61 pending
@l3maC: Hi there,
Hope you're well.
Thanks for following up on this.
We totally understand your frustration. Yes, you're right. Those transactions have not been confirmed by both retailers.
Based on our records, TheMarket has started to confirm transaction up to 30 Nov 2019(Purchase date) while AliExpress has confirmed transactions up to 31 Dec 2019.
Please note that most of the retailers have a locked period/return period where they allow you to return/refund your purchase within 90/120 days.
So, within this period (90/120 days from your purchase), the retailer will not confirm/approve your purchase until this return period is over.
I hope you understand.
For more information kindly refer here(
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Hi Ahmad,
Sorry for this inconvenience, as explained in the email as a cashback website we have a high dependency on the retailers and affiliate networks. We need to get the confirmation from retailers plus affiliate networks, once they confirm we will immediately update your transactions as Payable as we have done to your other transactions.
Thank you for the reply but your customer services replies make no sense. I am still waiting for so many cash backs I feel so sad
Can anyone comment about ShopRewards? I have been using KiwiWallet but unless something changes fast I'm going to grow tired of their sloooooooooooooow cashbacks which sit as pending foooooooooorever.