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During this difficult time keeping ourselves occupied while being at home can be a challenge.
To give back to our community, HomeSchoolPiano is giving free access to anyone who is interested in learning the piano at home.
There is no charge for this free membership and you will be given full access to HomeSchoolPiano Level 1 which takes most students 6 months to a year to complete.
A few important points about this free membership:
1. You will have full access to all of HomeSchoolPiano Level 1 until September 1st, 2020
2. HSP is great for both kids and adults. Anyone who is new to the piano, or improvisation will benefit from HomeSchoolPiano
3. There is no cost for this membership
Credit to dealbot at OzBargain(
Part of: ChoiceCheapies Guide to Self Isolation (Deals & More)
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