• expired

Free Airbnb Stock (up to Value of US$75) When You Join Stake and Fund Your Account within 24 Hours

  1. Sign up using the referral code ‘Airbnb’

  2. Fund your account within 24 hours

  3. Like always, get a free stock in Nike, GoPro or Dropbox

  4. Then we’ll email you on how to claim your free stock of Airbnb (up to value of US$75)

Eligibility Criteria

In order to qualify for this you must meet all of the following:

  • Sign up to Stake for the first time (Individual account only)
  • Use the referral code “Airbnb”
  • Fund your account via the Stake platform within 24 hours or a time limit set by Stake**
  • Upon request, provide information on your hosting or use of Airbnb,

If you meet the Eligibility Criteria above, your Stake account will be credited with either:
- A free share in Airbnb; or
- If the price of Airbnb is above $75USD, $75USD worth of stock in Airbnb, which may include fractional shares.

This program Starts at 12:01am on 7 December 2020 (US ET) and ends on 5:01pm on 17 December 2020 (US ET)

For the detailed T&Cs - https://hellostake.com/docs/disclosures/sharebnb-tcs/

Referral Links

Referral: random (24)

Referrer and referee get free stock.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Is there a fee to open or maintain account/trading?

    • +1

      No fee to open or maintain account. There are fees for filling out a form called US W-8(USD $5), and also depositing/withdrawing money (I think they were USD $2 per transaction). Airbnb stock is expected to be listed at USD $55-60. Even after paying those fees, you still will have some money left for yourself.

  • How much do you have to "fund your account" - once you have done so and got your free share - can you withdraw them?

    • I don’t think there was minimum amount, probably has to be at least NZD 15 to cover all the fees I mentioned on the reply above. Yes, you can sell all and withdraw them as far as I can understand

      • +1

        I've just signed up now and the minimum deposit amount is $50 NZD

        • Curious - did you invest the balance of the $50 deposited in AirBnB or in other stock?

  • +2

    What's the catch you say?

    Downside is that Stake only accepts payment via POLi, which is a "frontend" or proxy for your own online banking collecting your username and password, and then passing it to the bank for processing. Not the best thing if you are concerned about security for your online banking… Most banks indicate that this is against their T&C's as you are providing your online username and password to 3rd parties.


    • You don’t have to use Poli to fund your account. I’ve sent mine via direct USD transfer. I agree that there are some security concerns with Poli though, personally had no issues using them so far.

      • You can also fund the account by CC if you switch to the Australian site. :>

        • Does this incur the same $5usd fee for direct USD transfer? Or only your CC FX fee?

          • @cheapcheap: Can't remember. Just go to deposit and it lists all the fees if you expand the fee area.
            Pretty sure there was a cc fee plus a fx fee.Then you choose express deposit or standard.

          • @cheapcheap: 5 USD applicable to direct USD transfer
            I think they’ll charge you 2 USD to use PoLi

        • How do you switch the the Australian site? Thanks!

      • How can you pay via direct USD transfer? Only option I have is Poli.

        • +1

          Profile (Top right corner with Initial of your name) - Funds & Balances - Below the green Add Funds button, you'll find Direct USD Transfer. I've used Transferwise for mine.

  • +1

    This requires a screenshot of previous Airbnb hosting or booking. How can I get around this?

    • https://airbnb.com/s/experiences?tab_id=experience_tab&refin…

      Maybe try these? Airbnb booking doesn’t mean that you have to stay somewhere. They now offer ‘Online experiences’ and there are some free sessions

    • The evidence Stake asks for is "Please attach a screenshot of your Airbnb account tab, a recent trip or receipt of travel."
      So it looks like you could just create an account and screenshot it, even if you haven't made any bookings.

      • Did it work for you (with no bookings/trips)?

        • I don't think they are checking super hard?? The approval was immediate with no human approval.

        • Not sure, I have used Airbnb so provided evidence of a booking

  • I just signed up, and got the free shares, thanks!

  • I'm pretty new to this kind of stuff, but I also claimed the free Airbnb shares, and got an email saying that it will be processed a week after the IPO launch, on the 18th of Dec.

    Anyone with more experience - can I assume it means it'll be at whatever market value is at the time?

    • +2

      AirBNB only just got listed on the stock market a few hours ago.
      Essentially they are saying we get 1 free share to a maximum value of $75USD. At the moment its at $150USDish,
      so they will give us all part of a share.

      It was estimated to open at around $60USD, so to open at $146 is massive

  • Has anyone tried to Withdraw Funds yet ? It looks like that I could not add my account ? anyone has the same issue ?

    • Yeah I'm new to Stake, but I'm not sure how to withdraw my funds either. I've sold the stocks and the stock fund money is showing up as "Buying power" as opposed to "settled funds", and I don't see how to withdraw the money from "buying power".

  • Did anyone not receive their share of AirBnB?

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