Fairly good price for a 64gb USB stick with a nice low $1.50 delivery charge.
The description states that it is USB 2.0 though, so it won't be a speed demon.
Fairly good price for a 64gb USB stick with a nice low $1.50 delivery charge.
The description states that it is USB 2.0 though, so it won't be a speed demon.
& Harvey Norman has the 64gb 3.0 version of this for $14
Might be able to figure out free shipping through another Harvey Norman deal
Not taking any of the sliding ones anymore.
Had several break so the thing doesn’t slide in anymore easily. Pain to insert behind a tv etc.
please no reason to buy usb2 when usb3 are so cheap
If they don't list the transfer speed treat USB3.0 as ~20-25MB\sec max write speeds, especially on the cheap SKU's. If you are looking to pay ~$15 for 64GB and can wait a few weeks get a refurb off ebay for the same price that does 2-3x the write speeds imo.
ie https://www.ebay.com/itm/Sandisk-16GB-32GB-64GB-128GB-256GB-… $14 shipped and does upto 40MB/sec write.
Whoever downvoted this is a moron. Just because the connection is USB3 doesn't mean the drive is fast. You can have a "USB 3" drive that is slower than USB 2.
If you want usb 3.0 Smiths City have 64Gb Adata ones for $12.99. $6 shipping so works out $1.49 more than this one delivered or pick up in store for free.