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eufyCam 2C Wire Free Full-HD Security 2-Camera Set $374.96, 3-Camera Set $524.96 + Free Delivery @ My Anker


eufyCam 2C Wire Free Full-HD Security 2-Camera Set $374.96 + Free Delivery

Pretty damn good deal - I was wanting this for home and this is onsale. Appears to be the cheapest that I could find compared to other stores and free delivery.

The Easiest and Safest Home Security System Solution.

eufyCam is designed from the ground up to offer wireless freedom without compromising your security. With free local storage and ZERO monthly fees, eufyCam is ready to go right out of the box.

Picture Perfect Surveillance - Live-stream and record footage in crystal clear 1080p HD. The 135° diagonal field of view allows you to see exactly what is happening in and around your home.
Half-Year Security from 1 Charge - Avoid frequent trips to charge the battery and enjoy 180-day battery life from just one charge.
Detailed Night Vision - View recordings or live footage in crisp clarity, even at night, for a clear view of who’s there.
The Alerts That Matter - Human detection technology enables the camera to intelligently detect body shape and face pattern. Ensuring you are only alerted when a person, and not a stray cat, approaches.
Ready for Any Weather - With an IP67 weatherproof-rating, eufyCam 2C is built to withstand the elements.
Smart integration includes support for Apple Homekit, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.
* 180 Day Battery Life is dependent on several factors including quality settings, alerts and notification frequency. For optimal battery life settings, please refer to the Eufy Security App.

eufyCam 2C Wire Free Full-HD Security 3-Camera Set - Anker $524.96 + Free Delivery(myanker.co.nz)

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closed Comments

  • Thanks, had been waiting on a deal with these for a while

  • Is this a legit ANKER site? Never knew they had a NZ base

    • Anker NZ is run by Directed Electronics - they been around for ages in AU and took over Sony’s car audio business in NZ/AU when Sony pulled out. Hence why you see Anker in places like SuperCheap

      • I just wanted to make sure that I am receiving a genuine anker product is all. Thanks :)

  • +2

    "* 180 Day Battery Life is dependent on several factors including quality settings, alerts and notification frequency. For optimal battery life settings, please refer to the Eufy Security App."

    Wire-free cams suck ass. U would be severely limited in terms of features that u can use. It ends up taking out most of the security aspects and defeats the purpose of having a security camera.

    • Unless the intruder has a jammer it’s much harder to disable a wireless camera sensor without triggering detection? (E.g. cut the power or signal wire from outside camera range)
      Also I assume a lot of the target market is for retrofit where running wires from the base unit to external wall isn’t feasible?

      • Think about it, these camera have small batteries, just like a phone. If it needs to detect motion, record and send alerts via email, do u really think it can last long? The thing that these companies don't tell u is that yes, it offers the same features that wired cameras have, just thst u cant use all of them if u also want the battery to last long. Either that, or u have to get used to the hassle of taking them down to charge them. Not worth it.

        Check the forums for complaints for wire-free cameras, there are plenty.

        • Or maybe it can shutdown subsystems on the fly like networking and camera unless a motion is detected like a phone? Why would you constantly record a video if there is nothing in it?

          • @Zyo: Burglars wont just stand in front of the camera to trigger it to record. And depending how good the sensor is on the camera, it might fail to detect motiond and also have false positives. Having a wired camera set to record overnight is how I caught multiple people trying to break into cars, as well as catching them breaking into my neighbours. A camera that is only able to record on motion detection would never catch that, as motion detection only works within a certain distance for your own house.

            No matter what your argument is, a wired camera is always better than a wire-free camera. You are sacrificing a lot just to get rid of the wire and you still have to take the camera down to charge the battery at some point anyway, so whay is the point? U are not saving yourself any hassle. I installed wired cameras for all my properties and never needed to take them down. They can record constantly, which is useful as there will always be false positives for motion detection. U obviously have no experience with this. Like i said, check the forums and read the feedback from the actual users and owners

            • @NovaAlpha: @Chaoscreater You are somewhat living in the past. A wired camera is not always better than a wire-free. My modern wireless walk all over my 2 year old wired cameras in every way. Wireless will be the way to go for many situations in the future. My batteries last months on the ones I haven't bought a solar charger for. The solar charged ones last, well, forever. Motion detection is fantastic. You can adjust sensitivity. The latest ones can even tell you exactly WHAT they are sensing. Vehicle, wind blowing vegetation, people. Automatic zoom on faces. You name it they do it. You say wired is better for every situation? OK what about this. If you happen to be someone that moves a lot how long is it going to take you to completely uninstall and then reinstall your wired system? I did my wireless in 10 minutes.

              • @kiwical: You're not comparing apples to apples. You've literally just said that your wired camera is 2 years old and somehow you thought this could be compared to your modern wireless camera. How is that even a fair comparison? If you had 2 different versions (wireless and wired) for botth the same model and they both offer the same features, I would still take a wired camera any day.

                All security cameras will have limitations, regardless of their brand and model. My cameras are great and are very accurate about 99% of the time. But there will always be situations where there are false positives. Either that, or the camera's sensitivity is not strong enough and sometimes doesn't record when motion is detected (not for me, but this is a common issue for outdoor cams). Sometimes, the camera is just completely out of range and can't record something that is slightly far away, because there isn't a motion to trigger it to record. You don't think people can see your cameras from afar and try to work around it? They could walk to the camera's blindspots and not trigger any motion detection. There will always be limitations.

                Most properties in central Auckland do not have an attached garage, which means people have to park on the street. How is your wireless camera going to do motion detection when someone is breaking into your car, which is parked 10~20m away from your main house? Motion detection can only work up to a certain distance. They detect around the area of the house and that's about it.

                What if your camera's battery ran out and on that particular day, there was actually an incident? Are you going to risk that?

                Once you know the weak spots of a wireless camera, you can get around it easily. Get a long stick to poke it down, or throw rocks at it. Some have really weak magnets and can be struck down easily.

                If you have a wired camera, most, if not all of these are non-issues. You can record 24/7 without worrying about battery life. Since you're recording 24/7, you won't have to worry about the lack of sensitivity, false positives and issues with motion detection. You can record everything that the camera sees, regardless of the distance of whatever is being recorded. People might try to walk to its blindspot to avoid motion detection recording, but this isn't a problem for a wired camera.

                If wireless cameras were really that stable and that good, why aren't all companies using them? Why aren't banks using them? They obviously have way more valuable stuff to protect than an average home owner and so if the pros use wired cameras, why shouldn't you?

                The main point you are completely missing is "security". Most wireless "security" cameras take out most of the features that actually make up the security aspects, just so that they can actually last "long" on battery life. Why bother?

                Also, wired cameras are easy to set up. I spent an hour on mine and that was it. Much better than you spending 5~10 minutes to take it down to charge and put it back up. Not to mention you need to get the ladder out. And you'll have to do this indefinitely.

                Wired cameras are just better in situations that actually matter. They are security cameras, they should be performing 100% of the security aspects and not skimp on them.

                If wireless cameras actually last long on battery and don't actually limit the features that you can enable (as that's how they save battery life), then I would use them. They are still far from stable and usable in my opinion.

                Also, it's fair that wireless cameras are suitable for people who move a lot, I'll give you that. But that's minority.

                • @NovaAlpha: My point is you say "No matter what your argument is, a wired camera is always better than a wire-free camera."
                  I say you are wrong. Can you comment on this situation

                  1 of mine is installed at a gate. 50m away over a concrete pad. How am I gonna run a cable to that? trench it under the pad? Sure if you wanna pay thousands. Run it on top of the pad? nope, would need one of those stupid cable protector speed bumps. Cable in the sky? No thanks, ugly and I need the clearance. When I tried to get a longer cable for my wired system 30m was their limit anyway. I can install a wireless camera 90m from the hub.

                  • @kiwical: If you installed it at a gate, then I presume it is not mounted high up where it is unreachable. Anyone could just steal it or take down the camera.

                    Security cameras are meant to be mounted high up or in a secured place. So your placement of the camera, even though suitable for wireless cameras, is pointless and defeats good security.

                    • @NovaAlpha: It is mounted high enough to be out of reach without standing on something. It is not very visible as it is on a tree. Discreet is another bonus of wireless that you can't so easily replicate with wired. It is also secured with a small wire rope. It points down a driveway that's at an angle to the gate to capture and notify of approaching vehicles.

                      • @kiwical: I'm confused. You initially said it is installed at the gate, but now you are saying it is on a tree??

                        I am not aware of any gates that are high enough where u can install cameras without it being taken down easily. My house has a gate as well and my camera is mounted high up under the roof of the house. It is almost invisible unless you really look for it. Camera points at the gate and to the street. I can capture the license plates of cars across the street, because it is at 8k. My gate also has a doorbell with an integrated camera, which is technically a wireless security camera. The doorbell is built into the frame of the gate so you cant take it out. But I wouldnt trust it.

                        Burglars will scout your area and plan the attack. If at any point your camera is easily reachable using somehing like a small & portable 2-step ladder, or using a long stick that can reach up to 5m or so, then you are screwd. Not to mention burglars could just climb the tree once they find out where your camera is. It only takes one incident to happen for your camera placement to be rendered useless.

                        My camera is mounted at least 20m up and so you'd have to climb super high to get it and tou will definitely need a long ladder. You can of course do the same with a wireless camera, but then you'd be trading the concenience of being able to take it down easily to charge the battery and most people wont do that, coz they are lazy, otherwise they would have just set up a wired system in the first place. The target audience for wireless cameras is lazy people in general. They want something that is "easy setup and forget about it". Until they realize that they have to repeat the monthly process of taking it down to charge it. Anyone can watch how you take it down and where you placed it and plan their attack easily.

                        The other issue with wireless cameras is most of them require you to connect to a base station. If you have a big house, good luck trying to spread your cameras far and around the house. Some systems require you to connect to the base station's SSID instead of your house network's SSID. The base station is weak, so the signal will suck. With a wired system, my cameras are using ethernet and I can access 8k live stream to my cameras remotely from anywhere in the world.

    • They're not that bad. I have similar Arlo Pro 2 cameras, and even with motion detection and 1080p recording, I only have to pull them down for a charge about once a month or so.

      • Sorry, but that is terrible. That is an extra unnecessary chore that I'll be doing every month and there are better things to do and better use of my time. What actual benefit does having no wires bring you? This isnt like wifi where u actually benefit from the convenience of using internet anywhere in the house. Once a camera is mounted, it should stay mounted. What's the point of taking it down to charge it?

        Not to mention that the recording cant be configured to run for hours, which is crucial in a lot of situations.

        Burglars wont just stand in front of the camera to trigger it to record. And depending how good the sensor is on the camera, it might fail to detect motiond and also have false positives. Having a wired camera set to record overnight is how I caught multiple people trying to break into cars, as well as catching them breaking into my neighbours. A camera that is only able to record on motion detection would never catch that, as motion detection only works within a certain distance for your own house.

        • +1

          Sounds to me like you want a commercial security system, not a home camera system. Have fun with that, while the rest of us "peasants" get on with our lives.

          • @jaknz: Sounds like you don't have a good counter argument to the points I've made. Enjoy wasting time every month, setting up a ladder to take down the camera just to charge it. You'll be doing this indefinitely so long as the battery needs charge. Not to mention the battery will always lose its full capacity over time, just like a phone does - which means that you'll end up charging it more often once the battery degrades more and more. You get no actual benefit going wireless and you fail to understand the point of a "security" system, regardless if it's for commercial or home use.

            Also, I see you have self-acknowledged yourself as a peasant. Good for you. People who lack the brain and basic skills to set up a wired system are the reason why manufactures sell wireless security cameras at an expensive price. Same idea as why they sell pre-built "gaming PCs" to people who can't even build their own. Same goes for people who can't even set up their own basic home network, or perform basic fix for their own car. Peasants indeed.

            And for the record, I'm not 100% against wireless security cameras. However, at this price, it's a rip off and there are far better choices with better reviews. I had already recommended this one:

            But hey, people who aren't good with money will just keep wasting money and that's how you stay poor.

  • SuperCheap have heap of stock in store and they beat the price by $1.95! :D

    • Do you mind linking they have it for cheaper? easier for me to pick up from them :)

      I see them having it at $499


      • Contact them and they will send you a coupon code through email or try that in-store.

        • How do you go about getting a price beat without going into the store?

          • +1

            @OBH: Use their online chat during customer care open hours, accessed at the bottom right. Another note, you can use 10% off SCA gift cards if you have the entertainment book.

  • Can this be attached with Solar panels?

  • Was thinking of doing a price match at Bunnings but I think they have their own special slightly different packs with different SKUs

  • So no free cloud storage, just local flash disk storage? Thanks

    • I have the eufy 1080p Smart Floodlight Security Camera and it has one weeks cloud storage free.

      • Yeah sorry got mixed up with my Arlo, eufy 1080p Smart Floodlight Security Camera has about 3.5 GB of internal storage available and accessible from app from any location.

  • How does this work? Subscriptions?

    • No. They have local storage.

    • +1

      They have cloud storage and local.
      $2.99/device or $30/annual
      $9.99 for 10 devices/ month or $100/annual

      Eufy cameras are Synology /Blue Iris / Zoneminder if you want to bump up the storage.

  • If u guys really want wire-free cameras, have a look at these instead:


    They are cheap and provide unlimited cloud storage. I use their indoor wired cams and they are great. Their sensors and motion detection works well

  • I've pricematch this with supercheap, thanks for sharing

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