• expired

FREE Packs of Hubbards Muesli Worth $6.69 (First ~1000 Only)



FIRST PACK: Simply create/design your ideal muesli, fill in name & email, and get a voucher via email.

SECOND PACK: They'll send you another voucher for a limited edition of muesli flavour (the one that wins the competition) in October!

This voucher entitles you to receive one pack of Hubbards Amazing Muesli. Present this voucher
and your choice of Hubbard's Amazing Muesli at the checkout by 30th September 2015 at New World, Pak n
Save, Countdown, Fresh Choice, SuperValue or Four Square.

Only first 1000 entries will receive the vouchers!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Nice, got mine.

    I'll vote once I can!

  • +2

    And they'll send you another voucher in October for the flavour that wins

    "17) All eligible entrants will also be contacted via email within the month of October and will receive a voucher to claim (1) free box of Hubbards Amazing Birthday Muesli with the flavour yet to be determined as the outcome of the Promotion. All eligible entries will be considered for the overall prize which is turning their My Perfect Muesli entry into a limited edition flavoured muesli produced by Hubbards with the winner's chosen flavour and name printed on it."

    • Oh nice, will update the description. Thanks ArchSerpo!

    • Very nice spotting! Will be interesting to see what one wins.

  • +2

    The coupon seems to be the same for everyone: Coupon. Just incase you don't want to make your own muesli. :)

    • +2

      Its another coupon from The Coupon Company, strange that they still keep pushing out these generic coupons.

      Cheers for the PDF mate.

      • Yeah, it's odd, why put a limit if the voucher isn't unique? No problem. :)

        • +1

          Every voucher they've done has been the same, will be interesting to see if they change processes one day.

        • @Shaw: According to their website manufacturers can choose to have unique coupons, so my guess is that it costs more money so they don't bother.

        • +2


          AFAIK The checkout operators don't scan the coupons before giving customers the discount or freebie, meaning that it wouldn't have mattered if the coupons are unique.

        • @Wellington More likely it's about getting people interested. The people at Hubbards probably thought that they might not get 1000 people to give their name and Email to them, which is really what they want.

        • @avantime:

          No, they don't, good point.

          I've seen a number try, but they dont scan. Its always manually deducted.

        • @Shaw: Chances are The Coupon Company couldn't (or wouldn't) pay to upgrade every single POS system of every single supermarket in the country to scan their coupons, especially the unique ones as some POS systems aren't connected to the internet.

          I think what they do is "Let's get this new Hubbard's coupon out, about 2000 people used a similar Hubbard's coupon last year so we'll budget +/-20% for that. But publicly we'll say that only 500 coupons are available, just so we can get people to give away their personal details faster."

        • @avantime: Probably a combination of all factors. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter as long as we get our free muesli! :)

        • +1

          @Wellington: Yep, a freebie is always good. I doubt that The Coupon Company cares about a coupon being 'oversubscribed' because they're only worth a few dollars anyway. I mean it's not like Hoover giving away free flights.(news.bbc.co.uk)

        • +1


          True about the POS.

          I'd also say they wouldn't factor us into their equations either. I'm not sure how the word would usually get around about such coupons.

    • I wonder if the muesli voucher they'll send out in October is generic too?

      • +1

        Very likely. They'd already have the draft done.

      • If it follows the trend it will be. I'll post a pdf of that one when I get it if it is.

    • +1

      I also noticed this is a generic code too! This is going to be abused!!!!

      • coupons get abused regardless of unique code, I've never had a supermarket checkout worker scan TCC coupons etc

        • +2

          my local new world checkout operators have got to know me as the coupon king. they no longer give me the funny face when i pull out a coupon everytime i shop….

        • Some supermarket do check the coupon depending on who works at the checkout. I remember they went to check if my Birds Eye Potatoes Wedges was a real coupon cuz apparently they get quite a few "fake" photocopies of original.

        • +1


          Oh most will check to some degree, but it's more around them not knowing if one has been used before or not.

  • +3

    Yep went in and got me the apple/cinnamon combo. Had a bowl with some ice cream, too late for brekkie :) Was yum, great deal, voted A++++

  • +1

    Now to go back instore and get all the other flavours….

    • Just had the Almond and Pecan Muesli this morning. Gotta say it's pretty good!

  • +2

    Nice job, this is the most voted deal at this point of CC history.

  • Someone has ruined this in Christchurch.
    Rumour is someone bought $80 worth in one go yesterday
    Supermarkets have started declining them this morning

    • Really? All super markets?

      That's weird, because its not as if it costs the supermarket anything.

    • Seriously!? $80 in one go? I wonder who's that greedy idiot? Only claimed 4 boxes for a family of 4 so far.. All of us signed up individually too.

  • Countdown here are investigating whether they are real, turning people away with vouchers until they know where they are coming from.
    A friend who works there said occasionally the company will pull the voucher as well, notify supermarkets to stop accepting them.

    • Strange, it does say on the coupon where it comes from…

  • +1

    My sister used one yesterday with no problem, I might try tonight when i go get some dorittos from countdown.

    edit - i might get the email on my ph handy in case they ask

  • +1

    Great deal!

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