Honey company based out of Blenheim.
Price elsewhere:
- $54 ea. Taylor Honey(taylorpasshoney.co.nz)
- $54 ea. Good Food Collective(thegoodfoodcollective.co.nz)
- $54 ea. Fly Buys(store.flybuys.co.nz)
UMF10+ 500g x2 (1KG) available for $60(new.grabone.co.nz)
The UMF® honey range is guaranteed to have a Unique Manuka Factor of 5+ or higher. 100% pure, independently tested Manuka honey that has unique signature compounds characteristic of this honey which ensures purity and quality.
Material: PET plastic jar
Ingredients: 100% pure Manuka honey
Dimensions (Vol.): 2 x 500g
Best before date: 1/3/2022
Includes: 2 x 500g Jars of Manuka UMF 5+ honey
Limit: 4 per user and 2 as gift for others
Free nationwide delivery.
(off-topic: Just got my $10 prezzy card for those of you who attended the virtual Seagate conference).
Manuka honey is such an embarassing scam we perpetuate. Worth $104? Yeah sure in the duty free area of the airport ripping off naive Chinese tourists …