18s Persil Laundry Pods for $5.00. It is cheaper than the recent promotion at 1-day(1-day.co.nz) (72s for $29.99 ~ $7.50 for 18s)
As of right now, there are 12 items available. Combine with $5 off $50 and free shipping codes here. Item is excluded from 10% sitewide promotion.
I'm wondering if this is a good deal though?
This is my calculation - please pick it apart!
Persil Laundry Powder Front & Top Loader Ultimate 4kg Box = $20.00 (https://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/p/persil-laundry-powder-front…)
Powder per wash = 40g (this is my guess - a convenient figure to use, I think I'm probably over estimating)
4kg / 40g = 100 washes = $0.20 per wash
Compared to this deal:
Persil 18 tabs = $5.00 = $0.28 per wash
Alternatively, break-even powder usage (to match this deal) would be:
$20.00 / ($5.00 / 18) = 72 washes from the 4kg, so about 56g per wash.
We pretty much only ever do a full load, and I'm fairly sure we don't use 56g of powder for a full load in our machine, but maybe I'm wrong?