This was posted 3 years 6 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Switch to Free Power 9pm-12am with $200 off @Contact


Signed up to open term plan from Electric Kiwi two weeks ago with 200off, at some point in the last two weeks (didn't check earlier) given $200 credit in the account (other posts report the $200 off code doesn't work for new customers now - but could share $200 with a referral). Last night switched to Good Nights plan, again entered 200off and now have $400 credit! There was an option to select low user in the sign up.

My rates in Auckland (according to welcome email):
Charged Midnight - 9pm (Low User) 23.700 Cents/kWh
Free 9pm - Midnight(Low User) Free
Daily Charge (Low User) 30.000 Cents/Day
Electricity Authority Levy 0.130 Cents/kWh
You have a smart meter - we should be able to read this remotely. Energy rates exclude GST and are before any available discounts.

My EK rates on Stay Ahead 200 (nb: essentially 10% discount, taking this into account, similar rates with Contact):
Usage cost $0.2709/kWh
Fixed cost $0.3200/day
Exclusive GST

While on EK HOP, using heat pumps and showering for two people between 9pm-10pm achieving ~20% free without much effort.

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closed Comments

  • I switched to contact when the previous $200 off deal was out. Have just checked my contact account and can’t see any $200 credit? Do I have to wait for my first bill?

    • +2

      It should be shown as credit if it has worked. I signed up on simple open plan with 200OFF and it is showing as credit in the account.

      Suggest you contact support andask that you signed up with promoand it is not showing yet.

      • +2

        Just to confirm this worked - have -400 balance on my account now

        • How long does it take for the plan to switch once submitted?

          • +1

            @nzninja97: Within the hour. Received the 2nd $200 credit in that timeframe as well.

            • @Winaxter: Sorry buy can ijust confirm where the 2nd 200 comes from?

              • @NzShane: 1st was from the initial sign up to the basic plan which you can no longer do. 2nd is then changing to the free power plan from this deal.

        • May I know how long do you have to wait for before you switch plan?

    • How long does it take for the plan to switch once submitted?

  • +2

    when trying to switch to the good nights plan as a current customer using the 200off coupon Im getting "This promo code is not available for the plan you have selected."
    EDIT: the first step will show the error message, but just continue the process and in the last step you will see the coupon field again and then it will work lol

    • I switched to the Good nights plan I used code 100thanks. It worked on the form but I received an email "With the 100THANKS promo code that you have provided on your application, it isn't eligible to be used with this plan." I had to pay (back) $150 for breaking the Everyday Bonus Fixed plan. So in total I got $200 by switching to Contact using 200off, but that was good enough for me.

      • I would rather use referral code instead of 100thanks. Both give you $100 and referral benefits someone else as well. Also higher chance of getting it to work

        • Once you're already with Contact you can no longer use a referal code.

          • @sunshinenz: Ohh. That's new for me. Didn't read that anywhere.

    • I'm a new customer to Contact and I'm trying to sign up to the Good Nights plan. I'm getting the same error you mentioned. I couldn't find another coupon field in the order process. Am I doing this right?

      • keep clicking on next, the last form will have the field

        • The big question is: Will they honour it?

          Do you mean when you switch plans as an existing customer? With the new customer signup form I don't see any field at the last step, see this:

        • I did just as you advised but there was no coupon field shown on the last form.. in fact, I trusted so much that there would be I clicked continue and then it said thank you and congrats for moving, my request is being processed… so I ended up going through the process with neither a $100 or $200 referral code :-(

          • +2

            @moschops: Email them and ask them to add the code. 200off no longer works for new electricity-only customers, so just quote a referal code that you get from this forum.

    • hi there, thanks for share this. Just want to "EDIT: the first step will show the error message, but just continue the process and in the last step you will see the coupon field again and then it will work lol" how did you switch plan anyway? sorry, it seems no option to switch plans? BTW, I joined only a day ago. Cheers

      • Go to main website and sign up as existing customer.

  • +5

    Shame we are all asleep by 9pm!

  • I can't see this advertised anywhere just for power.

    But they are advertising 200 off if you opt for broadband and power.

    When i go through powerswitch it offers $150 off fixed term and a 2% discount. I assume its tied in for a year though

    Edit sorry my mistake (150 id as an alternative to free 3 hours).

  • +6

    When signing up, 200off doesn't work on (found in developer tools - network response):

    • Basic
    • Free nights
    • Simplicty bundle
    • Everyday Bonus Fixed

    & here are the two previous posts that this deal references:

  • +4

    Putting aside the referral fee of 200 which I had trouble with as well - you can get $100 very easily by just using the referral link code above and some other member gets $100 as well - nice for them.. That was good enough for me.

    Its well worth swapping from Electric Kiwi in my case as the Contact KWH rate was less so that alone is good, the daily rate was less (a few cents a day) and the 3 hours is obviously 3x, yes its quite late - but my spa pool , dryer and ducted air con on timers dont worry about that. Well worth a look. According to my dashboard I have saved 1/3 of my power this month, which is quite nice.

    One final thing, when moving from Electric Kiwi - they charged me $20 for the $20 stay ahead credit I had received on last top up- ie took it back, which they will do it seems if you are in any credit. I was down to like 30 bucks and they took $20 of it back, which seems wrong and pretty short sighted as seems so cheap and makes me really think less of them. Not to worried about the $20 but just seems shit. That combined with the fact they were overcharging on the KWH and said they wouldn't match Contacts deal as they said they were a "better brand" make me think they are on the downward slope.

    • I had exact same experience with electric kiwi

    • If you have any existing credit on EK, do they refund that if you move? I don't fancy staying with them another 2 months before switching to Contact. Don't care about the $20 stay ahead credit but it literally just made another top up this morning :(

      • +1

        They refunded the rest.

      • +1

        They refunded ours without deducting any, maybe because it was only ~$24? No idea.

      • +1

        They refunded quickly but yes deducted $20 from it.

    • Are you sure the rates are cheaper. Often Contacts rates are ex GST whereas Electric Kiwi might include GST. I know with Powershop they include GST in their rates.

      • In my case they definitely were. EK shows you in rates in both inclusive and exclusive of GST so it's easy to compare. Inclusive wise EK was chatting me 31c kWh. Contact is 27c on this plan.

  • +1

    We switched to this last week or so. Basically it's 1c more per KWh over their other plans and doesn't get the 2% power discount from the fixed term dealio with the $150 credit.

    We based our power on 600KWh (we use a bit less than this) and worked out we needed to use at least 2KWh every night between that period to be ahead. Which was a simple task, moving the dishwasher, or washing machine (or in our case, both) achieved this. Plus we now have the bonus of being able to run the dryer every night which we almost never used.

  • For good night plan $200 credit doesnot work. Please update

  • Is it possible to pick a date for move as my contract with Genesis ends 22/09/21. Also can I sign up for Good nights plan using referral code, get $100 then switch to everyday bonus plan and get $250? Is there no restriction on switching plans?

    • Yes you can select connection/switch date.

      Yes, referral code works on night plan.

      No you can't switch to everyday bonus plan as good night plan has a fixed term contract till end of oct/nov 2022. If you want to you need to pay $150 termination fee.

    • There's a $150 break fee on the Good nights plan as well as Every day bonus fixed plan.

  • Which one is better. Night or everyday bonus?
    Everyday bonus showing additional $100 for new customers so $250 credit and night only $100 credit.

    • +1

      This should help. Depends on your usage and how long you want to get on contract.

      Good night — higher rates, less credit, contract till nov 2022(1+yrs)

      Everyday bonus — lower rates, more credit, contract till oct 2023(2+yrs)

  • Is there any issue with signing up for the Bach plan to get $200 then changing to everyday bonus and get $150 more??

    • no

      • Is it possible to change straight after signing up or have to wait for first bill. I’m ready to sign up today and move date is 23/09. Can I sign up for the Bach plan with $200 off then change to good night or everyday before the move date?

        • Thinking of doing something similar. Sign up to Bach plan just for the $200 credit, switch to the Simple plan for two months, then sign back up with Powershop.

          • @Wakrak: I thought contact rates were cheaper than powershop?

            • @quebec: No the rates aren't cheaper. Contact rates are ex GST and Powershop is inc GST so just check. Also if you go with Bach plan and use any electricity between when you sign up and when you switch it will cost you a fortune at the Bach unit rates

          • @Wakrak: The Bach plan description requires your main home to be on Contact as well.

  • I got the banner pop up to add $100 off during the sign up process but in the summary it said the promo code is invalid for the Good Nights plan.

    Just a question for those who are already on Contact, are you able to pay your bills with AMEX, are there any extra charges associated with credit card? Only asking as I noticed some providers only offer discounts on direct debit or looking out for any "Gotchas"
    Thank you

    • +2

      0.95% credit card fee, added to the following bill (not at the time of payment, it just gets added in the next bill). Amex OK.

  • Just to confirm if we can cancel this plan anytime without any termination fees? Can we just sign up and get the $400 credit (if successful), and move back to electric l
    Kiwi after we have used up the credit?

    • What’s the trick to get $400 credit. I’m with Genesis.

    • +1

      Nope. Nope.

  • So what's the best way to get the max credit atm?

    Sign up via referral ($100 credit) + use 200off for the good nights plan? I'm planning to switch from EK.

    • Sign up with 200off select Bach plan. Change to everyday plan and get $150 more. Not sure if this will work. If you try please let me know.

      • The Everyday plan won't work for me as I use most of my power between 9pm-12am already so makes sense to go for the Good nights plan. Also the fixed term is shorter in case I need to hop off for any reason.

        • Makes sense. See if you can sign up for Bach plan and change to good night plan.

          • +1

            @quebec: It appears in the description that the Bach plan requires your main home to be on Contact as well, but it's not clear in the application form.

  • The code wasn't working a week ago when I tried. Can you add the code if you add broadband as an existing customer?

  • might be just be me but after calculating and comparing the price between contact's rates and my current(electric kiwi)rates i'm paying less if i stay with EK roughly $1.8 per day.
    Is everyone on low user rates?

    • Rates seem quite varied per region, it my case it was about the same the other way - better with this deal and that's not accounting for the 2 hours extra of free power a day.

      Then there is whatever referral benefit you get - $100, 200 or whatever

      If you are on high user rates you should be able to do things to get a benefit I would have thought.

      • Im in auckland with 3 kids, used to be on contact before i changed to EK and my bills are definitely lower than before, around 80 per month during winter time.
        guess everyones different depending on their usage and zones

  • Just confirming that the code 200OFF is working, I just switched to Good Night plan and received the $200 credit. I'm an existing Contact customer. Good Night plan is a fixed term plan.

    • How? I'm an existing contact customer too (just joined) but can't switch to good night plan with the code 200OFF. It says "This promo code is not available for the plan you have selected."

      • look for my previous comment

        • There are two responses saying there was no additional field?

      • I got that message too on the first step of the application, just put that code in anyway. And put that code in again at the step 3 under promo code field.

        • I can only see one place to put in a promo code (New signup). 200OFF is rejected. Is this potentially just for existing customers?

          • @hiimpengu: This is only for existing customers. (Though I can't confirm if it works for all)

            200OFF doesn't work for new signup. Your best bet is to sign up for simple plan using referral link from above, later convert it to night plan using 200OFF code.

  • Can anyone share how long it took them to get switched over? I've just signed up last night using referral. Going to try to switch to Good nights plan with the 200off code after, but still waiting on my connection to be set up. Hope the code doesn't stop working before then!

    • It took good 10 days to be switched over from old provider to Contact for me.

      • Cheers. That's a long time to be on the standard pricing plan :( Hopefully it's quicker but I imagine not with all the new signups they're getting haha.

        • I don't see a huge difference in rates. Rather Standard rates are lower than Good night plan minus 3 free hours.

    • Took about 5 days, but took way longer for the Contact dashboard to work so I wasnt sure.

      Also check your welcome letter - even thou I signed up for low rates - they put me on high. Was easy to change but glad I picked it up.

      • even thou I signed up for low rates - they put me on high.

        They did the same for me

  • 200off works for Bach plan but I guess they might not honour it.

  • I’m trying to join as a new customer but unable to pick a date for the move. No option comes up.

    • Same, I signed on last night and it just went right through - no option to select date and then I got a notice from EK an hour later asking me to provide feedback on why I left lol. So I guess I'm moving asap xD

    • Select option of moving house. That one allows you to pick a date.

  • +1

    my plan was changed from basic but with no $200 credit :/

    • :( damn, I'm nervous to try now. Perhaps try contacting support and seeing if they'll load it on for you?

      • Same situation here.. moved me to new plan but no $200 credit.. I'm thinking just contacting them and asking them to revert me back to basic plan with no contract

        • Let me know how that goes and if you still get charged the termination fee. That's pretty sad of them. Not a good first experience.

  • +1

    so after 1h talking with the support they explain that:

    1 - the $200 credit will not be applied, and if its was applied to someone they will remove in the next bill…

    2 - if you get $200 or $100 credit when you sign up for the BASIC plan it will be also removed after changing to Good Nights Plan because you can not have credits and the 3 hour deal…

    in other words, **** this company, I ended up with $0 credit and a more expensive plan in a 12month contract

    a total nightmare

    • What the.

      Gonna see if I can cancel my sign up then. That's literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

      • I'm an existing Contact customer and yesterday I switched to this Good Nights plan, the deciding factor being the $200 credit on offer.

        I've since had it confirmed to me by Contact that I wont be getting the $200 credit so I've been scrambling today to get them to prevent the plan switch to the Good Nights plan before it takes effect.

        I've called them twice today in addition to an email and messenger chat and I've had a couple of very helpful customer service representatives one of which has assured me that the switch will no longer take place. You can be sure that I'll still be keeping a close eye on my account over the next couple weeks though.

        I kinda had a feeling that this would all play out this way but when there's a whiff of a slight saving I find it hard to resist.

    • That's dumb of them. I will rather use up those credits before switching to any plan now.

    • What about the $100 referral credit? Can I get the referral credit with the Good Nights plan?

    • You can't use the $100 referral credit with the Good Nights plan either.

      Another option is to stay with the Basic plan for a month or so and use up the $100 referral credit… then switch to Good Nights. I'm currently with Powershop and Contact is coming up cheaper than Powershop even with buying their power packs / monthly specials. Disappointed but might just stick it out with Contact…

      • Says who? I signed up and got mine - it accepts it on the website just fine.

        • I called to check. This is also the note I received from Facebook:
          The goodnights plan is not eligible for any extra credits or promotions as you will be receiving 3 hours a day of free power 🙂

          • +1

            @cheeseballz: Strange. Just talked to a Contact rep (also on Facebook) and the $100 referral credit IS applicable to the Good Nights plan.

            "yes if you sign up online using the link your friend sent you for Friend Get Friend you can have our Good Nights plan and your Friend Get Friend $100 credit. "

            • @Avantime: Yes same here - I have spoken to a Contact CSR just now, she has also confirmed I will get the $100 credit after 30 days when I am switched to the Good Night plan.

  • +1

    i signed up to the plan about 2 weeks ago, just got the bill and it has significantly reduced by almost 50% percent compare with EK, so even without 200 credit is wel worth it

    • Were your EK rates lower than Contact's? My current EK rates are quite a bit lower than Contacts Good Night plan so I'm not sure if I'll be saving much then to be locked in on a fixed term. Decisions decisions.

      • +1

        No, my EK rate was much higher than contact, so it was a very easy decision for me, i was switched to contact within hours.
        Even the rate is the same i would still go with Contact as it offer 3 hours free power, just looked at recent bill, i managed to use 40% of power during the hours- heating, drying, charging etc, very happy move for me

  • Contact's been so slow with service, both customer service and updating my info on the app. After a week I'm still not seeing any usage so I have no idea if I'm saving or not. My account also doesn't say if they've put me on standard user like some other people here have said, when I am a low user. I feel like I could be stung with a huge bill without me knowing. They have a new person replying on messenger every couple of days and they keep asking for account info (and then disappearing for another 2 days) even though they could just scroll up and see everything already mentioned. They've also turned off reviews and visitor posts on fb and I'm sure they're deleting comments from people that complain. Really not a good experience as a first time customer.

    • +1

      you are not alone. 2 weeks since I switched… I've called 3x and nothing. I tried to ask how much I owe, they said they didn't know.

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