This was posted 3 years 5 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

HOSTPERL VPS Hosting with SSD from $8/Mo (NZD)


We are dedicated and passionate about to providing you world class customer service reliability and flexibility.

We provide Auckland DC based VPS Servers on low prices with high configuration. Guaranteed.!

LookingGlass Url :-

Choose the VPS Server plan which fit your needs.

Cores : 2 vCore
Storage : 25GB SSD
IP Address : 1 Usable IPs
Bandwidth : 2 TB
Location : Auckland, NZ
Support : 24X7
Price : $5.50 USD ( $8 NZD)
Order :

Cores : 4 vCore
Storage : 50GB SSD
IP Address : 1 Usable IPs
Bandwidth : 2 TB
Location : Auckland, NZ
Support : 24X7
Price : $13 USD ($19 NZD)
Order :

Cores : 4 vCore
Storage : 75GB SSD
IP Address : 1 Usable IPs
Bandwidth : 5 TB
Location : Auckland, NZ
Support : 24X7 Support
Price : $25 USD ($36 NZD)
Order :

Cores : 4 vCore
Storage : 100GB SSD
IP Address : 1 Usable IPs
Bandwidth : 5 TB
Location : Auckland, NZ
Support : 24X7
Price : $40 USD ($58 NZD)
Order :

Cores : 6 vCore
RAM : 12GB
Storage : 200GB SSD
IP Address : 1 Usable IPs
Bandwidth : 5 TB
Location : Auckland, NZ
Support : 24X7
Price : $80 USD ($115 NZD)
Order :

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Without being too familiar with the latest NZ based VPS offerings, this definitely seems pretty competitive to what I'm used to seeing locally. Questions:

    Do you offer any extra discount for yearly purchase?
    What hardware are you running these off?
    What DC are they hosted in?
    Lookingglass URL?
    Where is your company based out of?

  • Hi Shaw,

    No discount, prices are already very low.
    HP Blade Server
    Auckland DC
    Lookingglass Url - under construction, download file working (
    Auckland Based.

    • What Auckland DC?

      • Queen Street Auckland Datacenter.

    • No worries, the price is low, getting closer to some overseas offers which is cool, and hopefully becomes more common before AWS and Azure arrive.

      Are these OpenVZ 7 based? What is the network speed?

      Previous deals don't seem to mention being located in NZ, is the NZ VPS hosting a new thing you are offering?

      Location makes sense, no issues there, would recommend putting your NZBN on your website though, maybe under your NZ details. Does an NZ based customer purchase hosting from the Indian business, thus paying no NZ tax/GST, or from you the sole trader, thus paying NZ tax/GST?

      • Hi Shaw,

        Its KVM based, 1gbit .

        Yes, my previous vps sever located in Amsterdam.

        Will mention my nzbn number as well in contact us page.

        I am not charging any GST from customers.

        • Just because you don’t charge customers GST, that doesn’t answer the question. If an NZ business paid hosing through you, are they paying to your Indian business or to your NZ sole trader?

  • Hi Shaw,

    Sorry for yearly purchase will give you discount.

  • Your company is based in India, your NZ address is a residential flat with a mobile number, anyone who hosts a decent website with a business trading out of their bedroom should exercise caution. There's no NZ limited company information on your website or Google maps.

  • Hi Rhys,

    I didnt mention 'HOSTPERL' is a limited company.
    I am a sole trader.
    NZBN - 9429047115873
    Currently i am in auckland.
    Search again in google.

  • Hi Rhys,

    I dont think so company location is matters, when you are going to buy vps/server you just require the Configuration, IPs and DC location you need.

  • Guess you forgot to update your website then that says your based in India lol

    I'm sure everyone is reassured by the soletrader status.

  • Hi Rhys,

    I didnt forgot to update website, i registered my company india as well. If you want i can share registration number as well.

    I am in hosting business from 2014, now you will gonna check whois details of hostperl and find hostperl domain is purchased in 2015 how can i say running business from 2014. I am a lier. No before hostperl my domain was and i still have that domain. Just open and check

    Anyway Rhys thanks a lot for the compliment decent website. I am decent as well whose not ripping peoples. I have clients globally.

  • Seems pretty reasonable, there isn't much in the way of the lower end of the market in NZ for VPS options. So it's good to see garage options appear, as that's where most larger companies started.

    Are you able to set the reverse DNS record?

    Would be a good option for a remote mail server for someone who hosts their own environment and doesn't want their email to go out when the rest of their servers suffer an outage.

    If I didn't take a blow to my server trust by switching IPs I would have considered shifting from the VPS I rent in Sydney.

    • Hi,

      Yes, we do support rdns.


    • Would exercise caution Host hatch is decent so is oneprovider for VPS

      • Hi mdell95,

        what you want to say? I didnt get you…!!!

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