This was posted 3 years 2 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Xbox Series X $795 Delivered @ Noel Leeming


Thanks to Geekzone for the heads up(

#The Warehouse
- Extra $5 off if you pay in The Warehouse app (through Mclub).
- Free shipping codes here.
- 75 available at 11:41AM.

Noel Leeming…

  • $10 off with MYNL16W10

#Mighty Ape

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Noel Leeming
Noel Leeming
Mighty Ape
Mighty Ape

closed Comments

  • +2

    While there's no discounts, if anyone is seriously keen on a PS5 or Series X I'd recommend following this Twitter and set it to send you a notification when the account tweets:…

    Managed to nab my Series X from Mightyape this way last September.

  • Amazed these are still in stock. The warehouse had them on Friday from lunchtime to at least 11pm then the listing vanished for the weekend and is back this morning.

    I'm still holding out for a 10% off at the market event to coincide with stock.

    • Only 9 sold in 2.5 hours (at The Warehouse). Crikey

      • Everyone who wanted one for Christmas got one, or got something else?

        • I’m hoping the early adopters have all finished handing over their cash so the demand and cost can drop now.

      • Credit card bills from mid-late November (55 days interest free) will be rolling in about now. There’s always a lull in consumer activity between mid January and about late March/early April (just in time for Easter sales, see?) as people reduce their holiday season debt.

      • Now's their chance to finally have some in a shop somewhere. Hopefully they can linger a few days to scare all the scalpers in to selling up and flooding the market a bit.

        Then again mighty apes stock is gone, they probably put it on Facebook though which sent people in to a frenzy.

    • Is it ever avail at the market?

      • Very very rarely, once the stock situation improves hopefully it will be on there a bit more. The series s is now freely available on there. I've got the X saved on my wishlist as I have seen it in stock on there but it wasn't in the listings.

  • Ubisoft+ coming to Xbox soon as well, I just hope it's a lot cheaper than what the PC version costs per month in NZ, not paying $21/mo to play Ubisoft console games, $7 or $8 maybe, but not $21.

  • I hope same thing happens to ps5 soon to put an end on scalpers making money and probably not even paying taxes

    • Sony still producing ps4s until end of this year so I assume there will still be shortages on ps5 production vs demand

      • Whereas ms stopped Xbox one production over a year ago apparently, but they are offering the series s instead which seems plentiful and they've said they could make loads more of those if demand warrants it.

      • And with PSVR2 being one of the best speced headsets that will be available, those who enjoy VR stuff will want to get onto PS5 as well

  • +3

    OLED Switch is AU$521 delivered from Amazon AU if anyone's interested.

    • +1

      Me trying to save money……. “You son of a a B…. I’m in”

  • Sweet, time to get a second one for the office to replace the OG XB1 that mysteriously turns on by itself in the middle of the night.

    • haunted

      • OG has a capacitive on/off button so I can only assume it's dust particles or something setting it off.

        Or ghosts.

    • You'd have the automatic update or keep games updated option on, so it runs updates in that semi powered off state. I was startled when that first happened as well, then I realised why. lol ..

      • Nah, that was the first thing I thought of and checked haha.

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