There's a possibility that this doesn't work for all MarketClub signups so proceed at your own risk.
I mentioned this deal in a recent forum post. 1-Day website will be no more on Feb 14 but will still be available through The Market.
Information supplied by sunshinenz & bigcheese
How to
- The Market accounts that do not have MarketClub(+) only.
- Requires already existing 1-Day account.
- Must sign up using email address used for 1-Day account.
According to sunshinenz:
- If you already have MarketClub(+) and cancel it, you can fill out the $20 form but you won't receive the $20 coupon.
- If you create a 1-Day account to try and take advantage of this offer, you'll receive the 6 month free membership but no $20.
Deal description
- Minimum spend $20.10 (excludes shipping, alcohol and Apple products).
- Free 6 month MarketClub subscription.
In most cases:
- Subscription email arrives within 10 minutes.
- $20 confirmation email arrives within 24hrs.
Options available
- $10 voucher, signup 1-Day emails(
- $5 off $50 spend, 2 months free(
- $10 voucher and 2 months free(
- $20 voucher and 6 months free(
I used an existing email from 1-day & The Market and got an email with free 6months subscription plan.
Here’s an extract from the email
Your free 6 month MarketClub+ membership (valued at $30) is ready to use. Enjoy Free Shipping on eligible items with orders over $45.
We’ll be in touch again soon with your $20 coupon.
I know I won’t be eligible for $20 but thought to give a try anyways. Will update the outcome once i get the response.