• expired

$20 off $20.10 Spend @ The Market via 1-Day (Non-MarketClub Accounts Only. Requires 1-Day Account. Must use Same Email Address)


There's a possibility that this doesn't work for all MarketClub signups so proceed at your own risk.

I mentioned this deal in a recent forum post. 1-Day website will be no more on Feb 14 but will still be available through The Market.

Information supplied by sunshinenz & bigcheese

How to

  • The Market accounts that do not have MarketClub(+) only.
  • Requires already existing 1-Day account.
  • Must sign up using email address used for 1-Day account.

According to sunshinenz:

  • If you already have MarketClub(+) and cancel it, you can fill out the $20 form but you won't receive the $20 coupon.
  • If you create a 1-Day account to try and take advantage of this offer, you'll receive the 6 month free membership but no $20.

Deal description

  • Minimum spend $20.10 (excludes shipping, alcohol and Apple products).
  • Free 6 month MarketClub subscription.

In most cases:

  • Subscription email arrives within 10 minutes.
  • $20 confirmation email arrives within 24hrs.

Options available

Related Stores

The Market
The Market

closed Comments

  • I used an existing email from 1-day & The Market and got an email with free 6months subscription plan.

    Here’s an extract from the email

    Your free 6 month MarketClub+ membership (valued at $30) is ready to use. Enjoy Free Shipping on eligible items with orders over $45.

    We’ll be in touch again soon with your $20 coupon.

    I know I won’t be eligible for $20 but thought to give a try anyways. Will update the outcome once i get the response.

    • +1

      That's the same email I got when I signed up yesterday.
      You might find you are eligible - same situation for my wifes account which I signed up with.
      The $20 coupon confirmation arrived this morning and it is visible in her The Market account.

    • Same on my end but used another email and also used refer a friend where i just signed up for the market and got $20 on my original account and the new account which i just created.

  • +4

    If you don't have marketclub +, then you should get Free 6 month Marketclub subscription.
    If you don't have marketclub +, but have 1-day account using the same email address as your themarket account, then you should ALSO get a $20 coupon.

    Everyone who has a themarket account and a 1-day account using the same email address, sign up on this to get $10 (off $10.1+ spend) coupon https://themarket.com/nz/precincts/1-day-is-moving-to-themar…

    So if you don't have marketclub +, but have 1-day account using the same email address as your themarket account, you'll get 3 things buying signing up on 2 links: Free 6 month Marketclub subscription, $20 coupon, $10 coupon.

    • Did you manage to get both coupons on the same account?

    • Nice one, filled out both forms and waiting for the two coupons!

    • How long (from submission of forms) before coupons show on your account?

  • I had a free trial of marketclub + and the form didn’t work. Once I cancelled the subscription in account settings, both forms ($10 and $20 coupon) worked.

  • Are we able to sign up for 1-day now and then link it to existing market account? (Don't have 1-day account however do have market account)

    • Give it a go I reckon

    • I created an account on 1-day and did sign up for both coupons. Haven't received any coupons yet, but I guess it will.

      • How long ago did you sign up and did you at least get the free subscription email?

        • Around 2 hour before. Not sure on subscription email. Did receive a welcome email. The email came from 1-day but on the bottom it says

          Physical Address:
          TheMarket.com Limited trading as 1-day
          38D Northway Street, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3200, New Zealand

          Fyi: I had themarket account with this email. It was not registered with 1-day though.

          • @ace310: I did receive 6 months free subscription however waiting for $20 coupon.. probably will come by tomorrow

  • Any recommendation on what to buy?

  • Did The Warehouse Group buy 1-Day?

    • It came with the purchase of Torpedo7 back in 2013. 1-Day and T7 were created by the same person.

      From Wiki

      Torpedo7 is a multi-channel subsidiary that own and run online stores Torpedo7 (a sports and outdoor equipment retailer), 1-day.co.nz, (an online daily deals site) and Number One Fitness (selling exercise equipment)

      • +2

        Oh I knew about T7, but not 1-day - interesting. They are getting to big with all these purchases.

  • Great find!

  • Hi, has anyone got the code, if they have can someone test if it is reusable. If it is can someone please post the code. Any reply would be greatly appreciated as I’m new to this cheapies thing.

    • My guess is that the code received will be unique and only usable on the account connected to the email address used.

      • Ok thank you very much for the quick response. Even if it can be used once makes it worth it.

  • Nice share, thanks.

  • Already have an existing The Market account but managed to get a $10 voucher off $10.01+ cent purchases, shows up as '1Day Loyalty Code'

    Thanks Wakrak

    • If your marketclub membership is a free one that expires soon, I've cancelled mine and tried again, then it worked for both vouchers.

      But if it's a paid one then you may as well cancel it for 6 months?

      • My marketclub membership doesnt expire til 2025 so I think I'll just be sticking to this account. appreciate the tips though!

  • This is the offer I've just been sent

    As a loyal customer we’re giving you an extra-special offer to get started.
    $5 Coupon your 1st order of $50
    2 months free shipping with MARKET CLUB
    Sign up using name@email.com
    before 28th of Feb to claim your offer.

    • +1

      I got that as well, but they still gave me the $20 and 6 month one using the shared link

  • Do the vouchers have expiry date on them?

    • 31/8/22 for me

  • Anyone got their voucher already?

    • When did you fill out the form

      • Filled it this morning

  • They are probably manually checking the email addresses…haha

  • Anyone got theirs yet?

  • No coupons yet. Signed up yesterday.

  • +3

    Updates from extended family, after 2 "overnight" periods:
    -If you already have MarketClub+ and cancel it, you can fill out the $20 voucher form, but won't receive a voucher!
    -If you already have a themarket account, and try to sign up for 1-day to take advantage of the offer: you'll receive the 6 month free membership, but no $20 voucher.

    • Thanks for that sunshinenz. Have added that info to the description of the post.

    • +1

      So how do you actually get the $20 voucher? I’m so confused lol

      • You need to:

        • Have an existing Market account - but not Market+
        • Have an existing 1-Day account using the same email
        • Sign up to get the coupon(themarket.com)

        If you don’t meet all the above conditions you won’t get the $20

        Coupon arrived for my wife’s account the following day, accessible within the Market app under ‘My Coupons’
        I already have Market+ membership so even though I filled in the form I didn’t get it.

        • Haven’t received the coupon and only have a Market account and a 1-Day, guess I’ll wait another day and see what happens…

          • @samsteez: Did you get the confirmation email? - usually arrives within a few minutes of signing up on the link

            NICE ONE!
            Your free 6 month MarketClub+ membership (valued at $30) is ready to use. Enjoy Free Shipping on eligible items with orders over $45.

            We’ll be in touch again soon with your $20 coupon.

            • @bigcheese: Yes received the email but haven't received the coupon yet….

              • @samsteez: I had about a 12 hour gap between the email and then a second email confirming my coupon was available.
                If you used the same email for both The Market and 1-Day then you might need to follow them up.

                Have you checked in the Market app under ‘Coupons’ to see if anything is there?

                • @bigcheese: I might expire the deal if people who are following the mentioned processes correctly aren't receiving a coupon. Could also be because it's the weekend.

                  • @Wakrak: Feb 14 is only tomorrow so I would leave it going until then when 1-Day ends it’s standalone site.
                    Like you say, it could be because it’s the weekend.

    • I emailed them and they advised to email them them my 1-day account. I have forgotten, If only someone gives me a 1-day email so I can try :)

  • Well that's a bummer. I have an existing 1 day account which has the same email as my TheMarket account but I already am a MarketClub+ member.

  • +1

    I signed up two days ago for the $10 one but didn't receive any email. Checked my the market account today and $10 has been loaded.

  • Has anyone got the vouchers yet? Checked my TheMarket account and still nothing as well, and no email. Signed up on the 11th..

    • I have not received a follow up email about the voucher, just promotional ones. I also signed up on the 11th. If I get no response by end of today I will send an email to themarket.

      • Did you receive the promo email inviting you to sign up for the $20 voucher? The promotion is supposed to be targeted to email recipients. It's already generous of them to extend it to others who meet certain criteria. If you just signed up to 1-day please see my messages above about why there was no voucher.

        • I did not get the invitation, but I do have the same email address for 1day and The Market - so not sure what happened there

          • @dealhunters: I also did not get an invitation but I had an email registered for 1 day and for the market. When I said signup before I mean signup for the promo not 1 day as I already have/had a account with them.

          • @dealhunters: Voucher invitation emails are targeted according to number and value of purchases on 1-day account. It seems to be eligible for an invitation you'll need to have made at least one purchase in the last 3 months.

            • @sunshinenz: Yeah - not sure what happened because I've made more than 3 purchases in the last 3 months or so - oh well, at least still got some free MarketClub!

              • @dealhunters: If you haven't, try filling out the first form ($10). Then leave Marketclub+ and fill out all other forms again.

  • +1

    Thanks muchly for the heads up OP. Was looking for a way to get free delivery again after my one month market subscription expired, and now I'm sorted with six months.

  • Hayley Davidson small white singlet, men. $1 delivered if you have a $10 voucher.

  • Is this expired? Can I still claim it now?

    • Try it

  • +1

    Anyone received any voucher so far? I received none.

    • +1

      Haven't received it either

    • Got the email telling me they will be in touch with my $20 voucher soon, 8 days ago.

      • They would be in touch if you qualified for the voucher. You qualify if you received the original invitation email. It seems some people get the voucher even though they didn't receive the original email. They must have met certain requirements (number and value of purchase on their 1-day account) for being a loyal customer.

        I received 2 vouchers ($20 and $10), I also received an invitation email. I filled out the forms for 2 family members (who didn't receive the invitation), no vouchers for them despite the "get back to you later" email which is sent to everyone.

  • Finally received my $10 voucher today

  • Just received my $10 voucher this morning which is valid until 31st August 2022.

  • Yep, just got the $10 voucher - min spend $50. Waiting for the $20 tho

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