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3M P2 Face Masks (Box of 25) AU$70 approx. Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Back in stock and even cheaper than last time.

There's also a 5 pack available for ~AU$18 though you would have to pay delivery. Estimated delivery date is March 4th.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +3

    These ones hurt my ears if I wear em for too long. I bought the 3-pack version from The Warehouse last week. They're definitely nice and snug, especially when you use the hook, but that top string gets to me. YMMV.

    Someone over at OzB recommended these 'ear savers' as a possible solution.

    • For me I've found it best to adjust the masks as little as possible or I have the same issues with it rubbing on the top of my ears. If you fold the nose click right it shouldn't move much on your face.

      • Might have to give it another go when I get to my Friday mask.

    • What’s the link for the warehouse option please?

    • +1

      I had the same problem with them, in my case they actually caused one ear to bleed. I think they would've been much better with headband loops

      • Those 3M cup ones from Bunnings are great. Yes they are tight, but for a reason. I think they're the same ones the cops are using.

      • Isn't that the point of the plastic hoop piece, to tie behind the head?

        • +1

          Yes, but the angle it takes on my head when clipped causes the loops to graze the tops of my ears.

        • +1

          I must have a supremely large noggin as I can’t make the plastic hook connect at the back unless I drop the ear loops below my ears and down to my neck. That fit just doesn’t work though, so it’s eatr loops or nothing for me. They’re definitely a snug fit, but as has been said, that’s a big part of why they are more effective than ones which don’t. I haven’t experienced or noticed any particular ear discomfort from them, but then I wear glasses so perhaps wearing the loops over the “arms” of the glasses rather than under them is protecting me from that friction.

    • They don't post to NZ sadly

      • Looks like there are some NZ companies that have em too. I just searched 'face mask ear savers nz'.(google.com)

        • +1

          Looking through the search list you can get this from The Market(themarket.com) and free shipping.

          If you have a $20 1-day loyalty voucher, this comes to $0.63c delivered!

  • +2

    Thanks OP, got them for $60.40AUD by using the Amazing Shopping app and the code MAX10. Got $10AUD off but then had to pay shipping. Guess I could have added something tiny to the order but oh well.

    • Weird, I did the same and got the full A$10 discount with no shipping charges.

  • I noticed they were back in stock yesterday.
    What’s the link for the smaller packet please?

    • +1

      The 5 pack is available on the same link. It's an option to select above the description.

  • I got these last time and have been happy with them. I've also found that the ear rubbing varies based on the nose clip shape.

  • Is P2 any good for viruses? There's quite a difference between P and N grade masks.

    • +1

      I heard P2 is as good (or almost as good) as N95, just like KN95 and KF94, they are just different standards used in different countries/regions. But I'll avoid KN95 masks (won't tell the reason for being PC's sake…haha)

      • +1

        This is right.

        P2 = Aus/NZ
        N95 = US
        FFP2 = EU

        • And Kn95 is Chinese standard

          Personally have been using the 3m n95 and Kn95

          They have minimum standards they have to meet and all are fairly similar

          Ears are dying after wearing them 40+ hours a week

          • @Rowjo: You could try the 3M Builder's P2 Respirator from Bunnings/Mitre 10/whatever, 8205. https://www.cheapies.nz/node/31894 Those only use headbands so probably won't hurt the ears although I found them uncomfortable as remarked in the earlier thread but maybe they'll work better for you. They're more of a cup style than these ones

            • @Nil Einne: I have been using the 3m n95 which is the band behind the head also some of the time. However I found they seem to snap/come off the mask fairly commonly. Maybe just big head problems hahahah

              Started using an ear saver with the kn95 but that has its own problems, but seems to be the best so far

  • I just got some of these today, kn95's from aliexpress, 100 for $30NZD


    took 30 days from china>singapore>nz(jan 24th order)

    They are easier on the ears and you can cross the ear loops to take up some slack for a snug fit if it's too big, you can do mixed colour lots too(10/20 of each etc).

  • OOS

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